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Chapter 4 Taken

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

d and hit his face hard. He fe

is so d

strength, I probably just burs

what you get when you disres

ound him, asking if he was oka

! D

t means, before something st

o the right as a dart

whosoever was behind me with th

decided to name LIAR because his n

iked me. I question

wrapped around me from behind, and I fel

ck enough. It had enough poison in

knees went weak. But before I could reach down someon

yes. He had long hair that was a big longer th

at I saw through

those darts? Wild animals h

ser? I asked, my eyes blinking tryin

ous glare. Moonlight Academy, he

being an angel, this is what I

to chuckle. I'm not really sure anym

He whi

d. I was about to close my eyes to dark darkness when I heard mysel

hurt Richard, but the darkness had taken over

es, I blinked thrice trying to get the drowsines

y hands till it touched somethi

ting my eyes to align my vision. Well…… a

ed up my head to where my hand t

the guessing game I was having with

ision was a blue flower

d then a shoulder. After which I saw a head, it had hai

my brain cells telling me I h

blaze yellow? Do eyes even blaze? Won't they get

t me. I backed away, my back hit

hard. Who was there sleeping? Fa

what the heck did you do

s expression was a total mess. H

t came

last night

g up the

feeling pro

the baddest moves who is natur

lected Richa

han once to prot

learn to fight because he

round my back. I frowned, I moved my hands to the spot wh

ng back into what I

. I was kidnapped bu

Limo but th

he seats, having been placed on the floor

nce I moved, pointing t

and pressing colorless buttons. Who doesn't make c

o make use of what is right? Of

tely. How great would it be to break the Limo witho

desert. Nothing but cactus, then some dust demon thi

e this so much. N

ilating there instantly a

t where it was pounding heav

ed, we were

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