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The Mafia King's Controversial Bride

Chapter 2 2.

Word Count: 1630    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

use, New Y

d on her bare back. "Stop please," she pleaded and the gua

p!" He

after the countless amount of times the

ails as if picking something out of them, then returned her attention to Denyefa and the guard m

picked up her towel from the floor. The punishment room was a bit isolated from the rest of the house

ight to the infirmary but the ma

day, just three days away. After years of serving the ruthless mafia king, doing his bidding, and living at his mercy, she had gotten her fill. The th

on either side but the place was desolated. The boarding section was almost always empty until around midnight wh

of the workers, just like Denyefa were made orphans by the mafia king. Although they had their differences, one thing they shared in common was their deep hatred for the m

fa, were sent out on special missions like assassinations, stealing, deliveries and some di

with their guns pointed to the ground. They looked in her direction as she walked down the hallway. She paid them no attention. These were the same guards who maltreated her when she wa

king's quarters was a different atmosphere. Guards mounted every corner and only a few workers were allow

r there for hours, at any time of day or night. However, things took a dark turn one night when his behaviour became unsettling and inappropriate. He grew too touchy, making her deeply uncomfortable. Cassidy, his mistress and

he King's quarters. Two guards stood at each

rm where the king's room door stood, grand and imposing. It ha

time there were officials there with whores, gambling, drinking or just hanging out and discus

d called her to his quarters and these men were around. One of the king's top offi

ted training kisses around the sensitive parts of her body. Dante was just coming out of King's quarters, they

them but Dante surprised her that day. He pushed the official away which turned into a big case. The both of them fought and Dante being

lthough under the king's Empire, men were given more preference.

for the good of the people under his care. Of course, these rules involved the

tside the king's quarters, they were stern and brutal. Nobody ever smiled with or at them except who was their general plaything. Cassidy's fault for letting herself loose so much as to allow these me

e had two doors through which different parts of the room could be accessed. Only one door which was at the left passage, led to the inner chamber of the room. T

on the bed, fast asleep. He had never called her while he was

lled to her just as sh

ed and f

the bed. He sat up and tapped the bed besi

ther round of flogging neither were the other parts of her body. The king was kind to her but he would still send her to the punishment room

r he followed it with immediate action. There was a time he banned Denyefa from using phones

dy was twenty-one, his former mistresses were both twenty years old when he brought them in and in Denyefa's

and he reached for her shirt, pullin

" he said in

ood up from the bed and walked into the wa

our shirt

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