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The Mafia King's Controversial Bride

Chapter 5 5.

Word Count: 1221    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

ed on her thigh by the bullet. He held back the urge to cringe at the gruesome

for a formal report on the mission. In his judgment, the trio had failed woe

w?" He asked Magnolia. She told him abou

the bullet and arrested the bleeding. He did a fine job of dressing the wo

the awkwardness betwe

l d

of the room. The only sound in the room was that of water rushing as Dante washed his h

ining his well-toned muscles. A gun was strapped to his thigh with a dagger beside the gun. Should she s

ook at her. "Thank you for helping me. I know it's not your j

m doing this as a friend, or do

her. Ever since she arrived, his feelings towards her had always manifested without any form of selfish intentions unlike the other men an

riends. And that's why I want to ap

noon. He kept rules when dealing with women, rules he honoured and would not break for any reason. But Denyefa, only seven years younger than him, threatened his ability to restr

what happened with the king, I just found it hard

ilent, not knowi

ened with

he had never told Dante about the king's advances towards her. Dante mo

about it earlier. I was scar

iently. "Den, what

ed Denyefa in Cassidy's position he would be very angry. Denyefa knew that. And when Dante was angry he didn't usually hold

would surely infuriate Dante further. "But it's not like I'm a

enyefa did not want to push further on the

wed uncomfortably. "What does

not expect that

an but I hoped you could

normal teenagehood as that's the time when girls usually learnt stuff like this. The nurse was the

as a woman, so I cannot feel what it is to be

ack of his head as he turned around, walking a few steps from her. He

be too censored about this. You see, there's a way a woman

held a b

your bed... Or in between your legs." Dante swallowed at that last statement. "

hat if I don't have this feeling, I'm not normal? Was

stion. "It's not something you should wor

o I know f

her question. How does

ght. "You said this feeling arises in a w

iscussion turned out. "Yes..

s I lack this special ability of a woman. He says he's just looking out for me, but I want to kno

bout what she was asking him to do. D

"I don't quite understand you.

ion. "Touch me in a way that will

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