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The Mafia King's Controversial Bride

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1610    |    Released on: 17/06/2024

anal, south of

were currently standing on the roof of one of the delivery trucks servic

ur years ago. Denyefa had been going on missions longer but Magnolia was a natural and also a fast learner. She easily caught

spread his legs and hands apart, giving room for Magnolia to ha

e truck continued smoothly on the road so it wasn't much of a challenge to

ked up at her. They briefly held eye contact as Magnolia opened

e closed the door. Dante's put on

xclaimed. "This is why they did

The goal is to enter the territory un

led out her rugged tablet from her backpack and conn

a lot to chat about to just keep quiet and say nothing to each other. Dante usually accompanied D

k at each other, catc

you feeling?

longer then she looked away shyly. The awkward silence continued until a

ntly approaching the

at," Dant

he mission. It was a daunting experience for Denyefa, a fact she hated to admit. The nature of her missions revolved aro

an where some containers were pi

. The security guard opened the back of the van and flashed his torch ins

a filed out of it discretely. They hid in the shadow

fa approached them. The men carelessly discarded

said when he saw Denye

across his thigh making him shout. He grabbed her long brown hair and threw her to the ground. She rolled and stood up immediately, pointing her daggers at him. He charged at her again and she gave him a foot sweep making him fall face-first. He stood up almost immediately and a

walked up

eed to move," she said, walking ahead of

ay it'll take a longer time before they notice anything," Dante said to her. "Com

ring devices in the place. Just as they were about to leave, the

ce, hoping to escape without getting caught. Just as they got to it, the li

chest as Dante whispered to h

!" She replied

ed men approached them. They were dressed

s not have to get messy


. Their hands were chained behind their back and they were led to who Denyefa thought to be the office

fa had never been locked up on a mission. She paced about the prison cell res

you do

came back a couple of minutes later to ask the same question. She r

etter if you j

. Dante was the first to leave the cell. He sneaked up on the prison guard and tired up

that place fast! From the surveillance videos, there were men on the far edge just where they were headed so they needed to take another route. Behind them, towards the prisons wasn't a good option.

nd made a mad dash towards the fence. He hooked a rope over the fenc

ide. Magnolia hurriedly followed behind just as a guard was aiming his gun at them. He opened fire on Denyefa as she cros

got to the car Dante settled her on the chairs and the driver drove off at to

od flowed from her wound, soaking her trousers. Magnol

should use the car instead of the van w

on the tablet. Magnolia was able to arrest the blee

arrived at the big house


" Denyefa replie

e infirmary where he assisted her to sit on one o

urned to Denyefa. He grabbed the forceps, cotto

Denyefa asked as he dr

e this. Don't worry, I

e herself for the pain

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