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Contract Marriage With Mr Billionaire

Chapter 2 Episode 1

Word Count: 2875    |    Released on: 29/06/2024


steamy shower. The warm water cascades over my tense body and I let it relax my muscles. I grab some soap and wash my body before rinsing the soap out and letting it go down the drain. I then grab some of my Suave shampoo and scrub my dark brown locks before rinsing the soap out of it. When I am done I turn the shower off before stepping out and wrapping a white cotton towel around my body and another around my hair. I quickly dry my body, and put some lotion on before putting on my white lace bra and matching panties. Afterward, I grab my blue and white wait

onut. When the latte is finished I pour it into a coffee cup and place the lid on it before handing it to the guy. "Thanks love." He replies with a wink causing me to roll my eyes. Before he left the stranger handed me the money for the stuff he ordered as well as a card with his number. I rolled my eyes at the action and threw the card away once he was gone. One of my best friends walked through the doors causing a smile to spread across my face. She rounded the counter and gave me a hug which I returned. "Hey, Lillian," I state as we pull away from the warm hug. "Hey Kate has it been busy?" She asked and I shook my hea

tray before I pick up the silver tray and walk towards Hameswho is still looking out the window deep in thought. I place his food in front of him before he states, "Thank you." He picks up the mug and brings it to his lips before taking a sip. "You're welcome," I reply before walking away. I clean up the stuff I used and then stand in front of the counter once again. "Well, my friends it's time for this girl to go home. Hasta la vista baby." Lilian states before walking out of the Cafe and into her boyfriend's car. Norah and I laughed at her little action while shaking our heads. Ah this girl, she'll never change. It was now eight forty and my shift was nearly over. Norah had gone home early because she started to feel sick so it was only me and three other waitresses left. For some reason, this Cafe was open until ten at night and so many had to sometimes stay until then. I was cleaning off some tables when I realized Hames wasn't seated at the table anymore. I knew he wouldn't wait for me. I continue cleaning the tables when I hear someone walk through the doors. There were only two customers left and the other waitresses were in the back room on their break. I walk over to the counter to take the person's order. I open my notepad and look up to meet my ex's green eyes. "Kate, what are you doing here?" He asks. "Do you work here?" "No, I am just standing behind this counter with this uniform on because I want to play dress up. " I answer sarcastically. "No need for the sarcasm K." He states. "Don't call me that now what are you going to order?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow waiting for his order. "A talk with you." He answers. "Why would I want to talk with the guy who broke my heart and also had me fired? Now can you please order something or else I will have to ask you to leave." I reply the anger in me rising every passing second. "Okay, I want a medium coffee with three sugars." He replies and I write his order down. I walk over to the coffee machine and start making the coffee when he starts talking again. “K please can we talk." "What part of no, can't you understand," I answer. I pour the coffee into a cup and place the lid on top of it before I hand it to him. I walk to the table I was cleaning and grab the wet cloth before moving to another table. “K please just hear me out. What I said last time was a mistake, I-I please give me a chance to explain?" He pleads and I turn around as I sigh in defeat. If that's the only way he will shut up then well so be it. "Okay, you have one minute," I reply as I continue cleaning the tables. "First I want to say how sorry I am for what I did. It was wrong of me but trust me I-I love you, I always did." He states and I turn around to give him my 'Are you fucking serious right now' look. "What, was that blonde chic not what you wanted anymore so you came back to me?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest. "No I-I realized that she wasn't anything like you, that my fortune wasn't worth losing you. I-I love you, Kate." He replies. "Look Dave I have been better off without you in my life and maybe those words would have made me forgive you

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of your friends and told her not to tell you." It had to be Lilian who told him my full name. I take a few minutes to weigh the pros and cons and think about my decision a million times before making my decision. Ten million dollars will come in handy after the year is over. I can start m

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