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Contract Marriage With Mr Billionaire

Chapter 3 Episode 2

Word Count: 2673    |    Released on: 29/06/2024

ere are you going?" He asks and I roll my eyes in annoyance. "None of your business, now can you excuse me?" I ask as I try to walk past him but he blocks my way. Ever since I moved in Gideon has been hitting on me. Yet no matter how many times I tell him to fuck off he won't. Why can't he just take no for an answer? "Calm down babe no need to get feisty," he states before he leans down and whispers in my ear, "Although I do like them to act like that in the bed." I look at him with a disgusted look as he licks his lips. "Now I wanted to see if you were free tonight, maybe you and I could grab a couple of drinks and-" "She isn't going anywhere with you," Hames growls as he pulls me towards him. "Oh really and why is that?" Gideon asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Because she is my fiancé," Hames replies. "Really because I don't see any ring," Gideon answers. "Well that doesn't concern you now, does it? Now will you excuse me, please?." I state before pushing Gideon right behind me. "I always knew you were a gold digger, Kate," Gideon responds. Hames's hands form a fist before he turns around and throws Gideon a right hook. Gideon falls on the floor as he clutches his cheek. "Don't ever call my girlfriend a gold digger, understood?"Hames asks and Gideon nods as he stares up at Hames with a frightened look on his face. Hames just punched someone for me, huh maybe this year won't be so bad after all. I walk into the elevator with Hames right behind me and press the number for the first floor. "Can you stop being a big flirt, I don't want to go punching every guy that crosses paths with you," Hames states and my mouth hangs open in disbelief. "A big flirt? That guy was the one who got in my way, I told him to move but he didn't. What did you want me to do, throw him a right hook so he could move?!" I retort with anger. "What did I tell you about yelling at Katee?" He asks. His cold blue eyes stare into my chocolate brown ones before I answer, "What did I tell you about bossing me around?" Hames runs a hand through his light brown hair as his jaw clenches. There is a ding before the elevator doors slide open and I quickly step out not wanting to be near that man any second longer. I walk towards Mark the landlord, Des,k and hand him my apartment keys. "Good morning Mark, I am so sorry but I have to move due to a family emergency. Here is the apartment key, and the rent for this month." I state as I hand him the envelope with the money. "Oh okay thank you for letting me know. Bye, dear." He responds as he takes the money and keys. "Bye," I reply before running after Hames who was already making his way out. He lets go of the door as soon as I am about to walk out. Rude man, I thought he was supposed to be a gentleman. "Sorry to disappoint you sweetie but gentleman isn't in my vocabulary." He states. Oh shit did I say that out loud? "Well I thought that your parents at least taught some manners but apparently they didn't," I respond. "You better stop it with that smart mouth." Hames threatens. "Or else what?" I ask as I cock an eyebrow. "Don't test me, now get in," Hames states as we stop in front of a red Audi Sports Car. My mouth falls down and Hames closes it, "Close your mouth wouldn't want any flies to get in now would we?" I open the door to the passenger seat and get into the car. I buckle myself up before starting the car and it roars to life. He didn't even put in the radio! Such a dull person, and I thought I was boring. I look out the window as we drive past the busy Miami streets. When they came to a stop I expected a big mansion to be standing in front of us but instead, they found a Cartier Jewelry Store. "U,m what are we doing here?" I ask in confusion. "Well, I realized you didn't have an engagement ring and we can't pull off our lie if you don't have one so I brought you here so you can pick the one you like." He answers as we step out of the car. I unbuckle myself before stepping out of the car and walking towards the store entrance doors. We walk in and are greeted by the shine of the expansive-looking diamond rings. Beautiful jewelry filled the store and they all looked like they cost millions of billions of dollars. A woman around Hames's age if not a little older, walks behind the counter and smiles at Hames. "Good morning Hames, how may I help you?" She asks as she twirls a piece of her hair. "It's Mr. Hendrix for you, and would you show me your top engagement rings?" Hames responds. The woman frowns before taking out two di

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