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If And Maybe

Chapter 4 On Getting Back... 4

Word Count: 1685    |    Released on: 20/06/2024

them had heard from him. They were at his door and knocking the day he arrived. Noelle, was a little unsure they should be com

e with wide eyes. "Wade." Noelle spoke first. Moving past Otto and for the first tim

thing to make it all go away. Sorry just wasn't enough. Noelle drew back, giving Otto the space to hug his friend. It st

id you

railed of. "I went looking for you but Noelle said she sa

to get me. T

ppened." Noelle confessed. "We do. But we agreed to wait until you want to talk about it so, you don't

saw break their hearts when he m

lp unpacking?

ve." Noelle thou

aside for them to enter. "I didn't leave with anything but my laptop so.

oelle offered the information. "

have to call her

's question was to Noelle.

d want to." She but her bottom lip. "I m

yer asked, needin

Otto and sighed. He would have called Peggy today. To let her know he was safe in school and that would have begun the three day rule. A rule he can no longer keep. The thought of not being able to hear her voice again. He heard her laugh in his head. Could h

ppened, and even more so, he found himself unable to leave his room. The same thought that came to him the day of the funeral after opening the front door attacked him every time. He also found himself locking his friends out of his room and just not

nd and there was a knock on the door. He chose to ignore it like every other time before. Then it turned into banging, "Sawyer!" His fa

o it. "Is ev

son. He looked worse than ever. Messy hair, slimmer, beard and sunken


o ones heard from you in weeks. You just left and

relieved nothing was wrong, hi

rtains shut , not a single ray of sunshine in the room, the air in the room pungent

es. "I don't feel

et dressed and s

hem to a building twenty minutes away from the school. Sawyer had question. His father hasn't really been here so how did he know of th

ng, clearly waiting for them with a smile on his face. "Good afternoon Mister Wade. You're right on time." The man stretched out his hand, Tr

e didn't even want to know what the ma

. "Sit." he gestured to a

him. "You look like you barely sleep, or go out. And I understand why. I've brought you

y." Sawyer sat down. Would i

you and Tom is alone back there going

ther's sake

r father told me you lost

d it to anyone. He was supposed to tell Laura but he didn't. He hasn't even seen her and No

Travis a

Sawyer. Waiting for an answer that never came.

s not communicating with anyone. He could only hope this would h

the car stopped, Sawyer faced his father, hand at the ready to open the door. "I'm doing this

e knew the car was still there. It didn't really matter. It was possible h

he hasn't made contact with any of them in weeks. As she's suddenly planned, he didn't notice her till she was close enough. Mission a

you want

on you. You're shutting yourself

o tell me somethi

d stopped him. "You hav

you say my mother wouldn't want me doing this you will hate the n

a shiver ran through her. He'd never been like this before. "We're here for

rough his hair, sig

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1 Chapter 1 It All Begins With...12 Chapter 2 Soon After Which... 23 Chapter 3 Here On Out... 34 Chapter 4 On Getting Back... 45 Chapter 5 More Days Without... 56 Chapter 6 Guilt For Living... 6A7 Chapter 7 Guilt For Living... 6B8 Chapter 8 So... 7A9 Chapter 9 So... 7B10 Chapter 10 So... 7C11 Chapter 11 With This... 8A12 Chapter 12 With This... 8B13 Chapter 13 With This... 8C14 Chapter 14 Summer Days... 9A15 Chapter 15 Summer Days... 9B16 Chapter 16 Summer Days... 9C17 Chapter 17 They Bring Him... 10A18 Chapter 18 They Bring Him... 10B19 Chapter 19 They Bring Him...10C20 Chapter 20 If... 11A21 Chapter 21 If... 11B22 Chapter 22 If... 11C23 Chapter 23 Alternatively If... 12A24 Chapter 24 Alternatively If... 12B25 Chapter 25 Alternatively If... 12C26 Chapter 26 Returning To... 13A27 Chapter 27 Returning To... 13B28 Chapter 28 Returning To... 13C29 Chapter 29 Excitement Over... 14A30 Chapter 30 Excitement Over... 14B31 Chapter 31 Excitement Over... 14C32 Chapter 32 As They... 15A33 Chapter 33 As They... 15B34 Chapter 34 As They... 15C35 Chapter 35 Slowly Getting...16A36 Chapter 36 Slowly Getting... 16B37 Chapter 37 Slowly Getting... 16C38 Chapter 38 Still Leaking... 17A39 Chapter 39 Still Leaking... 17B40 Chapter 40 Still Leaking...17C41 Chapter 41 Rising Levels Of... 18A42 Chapter 42 Rising Levels Of... 18B43 Chapter 43 Rising Levels of... 18C44 Chapter 44 Pain And... 19A45 Chapter 45 Pain And... 19B46 Chapter 46 Pain And... 19C47 Chapter 47 What Works... 20A48 Chapter 48 What Works... 20B49 Chapter 49 What Works... 20C50 Chapter 50 Together For... 21A51 Chapter 51 Together For... 21B52 Chapter 52 Together For... 21C53 Chapter 53 Thoughts Of...I 22A54 Chapter 54 Thoughts Of...I 22B55 Chapter 55 Thoughts Of... II 22A56 Chapter 56 Thoughts Of... II 22B57 Chapter 57 Thoughts Of... II 22C58 Chapter 58 Mom Said... I 23A59 Chapter 59 Mom Said... I 23B60 Chapter 60 Mom Said... I 23C61 Chapter 61 Mom Said... II 23A62 Chapter 62 Mom Said... II 23B63 Chapter 63 Mom Said... II 23C64 Chapter 64 Mom Said... II 23D65 Chapter 65 Confess That... I 23A66 Chapter 66 Confess That... I 23B67 Chapter 67 Confess That... I 24C68 Chapter 68 Confess That... II 24A69 Chapter 69 Confess That... II 24B70 Chapter 70 Confess That... II 24C71 Chapter 71 Here We... I 25A72 Chapter 72 Here We... I 25B73 Chapter 73 Here We... I 25C74 Chapter 74 Here We... II 25A75 Chapter 75 Here We... II 25B76 Chapter 76 Here We... II 25C77 Chapter 77 About That... 26A78 Chapter 78 About That... 26B79 Chapter 79 About That... 26C80 Chapter 80 About That... 26D81 Chapter 81 Let's Just... I 27A82 Chapter 82 Let's Just... I 27B83 Chapter 83 Let's Just... I 27C84 Chapter 84 Let's Just... II 27A85 Chapter 85 Let's Just... II 27B86 Chapter 86 Let's Just... II 27C87 Chapter 87 Focus On... I 28A88 Chapter 88 Focus On... I 28B89 Chapter 89 Focus On... I 28C90 Chapter 90 Focus On... II 28A91 Chapter 91 Focus On... II 28B92 Chapter 92 Focus On... II 28C93 Chapter 93 Before We... I 29A94 Chapter 94 Before We... I 29B95 Chapter 95 Before We... I 29C96 Chapter 96 Before We... II 29A97 Chapter 97 Before We... II 28B98 Chapter 98 Before We... II 29C99 Chapter 99 Heart Warming... I 30A100 Chapter 100 Heart Warming... I 30B