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Barbaric Spouse, Descry the Night's Lure

Chapter 3 Scene III

Word Count: 1224    |    Released on: 20/06/2024

one of the Barony's guards wa

making an effort to forget the depressing emot


e one we ar

ponse of a wide, scowling man, made her

the second village in two nig

riage, invoking a soft thud for how light such luggage was. Eventually passing b

limb inside it, closing its heavy door with difficulty, the coachman whipped the p


fted her hand to pull away the thin cur

served the castle she had inhabited

e lively in the colourful shade were now

ally leading her gaze to the hidden path that would invariably t

again..." - Saddened by the cruel fate she was

she did not s

her defenceless position. However, she still promised under a condition to t

in, Mother... I will come back... and dive under the

graves, Ewelina drew her hand away... Permi

he carriage to take her to unknown places that

tomped over the dirt, rocking to the sides at times


l. Hence, their path was h

he carriage, the guard served Ewelina

g quickly the roasted potato with the tasteful jerky, Ewelina also drank the bit

to find comfort on the hard seats of the wooden carriage

of her natural needs she walked away after notifying the m

s at an inn close t

more rations for the trip. You keep watch Gilead." - The coac

- The unbothered guard answered the faulty c

the surrounding nature was the only sound acc

ed. However, this time, only little breaks

their agreed time and place wa

." - She silen

ea was beginning to intensify as no stop was granted. None

he young woman asked at times unable

t stop was made. The certainty demonstrating the absent intention to stop as the dark

outside as the man holding it chattered with the other. Ewelina just t

.gh... Phew....huff..." - 'Oh goo

ch that began moving along

e night, they were to

ing consciousness at times when she laid herself on t

endless. Unable to create the energy to ask for help f

ntually, in the dead of night... the ca

ectly to wait for the opening of her prison's door, to then crawl her way, rushing outside to

we ha

- Her weak hands went to wipe the residuals ar


t the pitiful woman, guarding silence at her str

ave arriv

ere..?" - Ewelina i

rsun and Abna... They said they woul

." - '..

the looks of it... The moon's pos

nly had a pair of measly candles illuminating the few sh

ce while Ewelina composed herself after being o

the sound of various horses and the far beam of several tor

. Severe as his brow lifted at the obnoxious a

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1 Chapter 1 Scene I - Prologue.2 Chapter 2 Scene II3 Chapter 3 Scene III4 Chapter 4 Scene IV5 Chapter 5 Scene V6 Chapter 6 Scene VI7 Chapter 7 Scene VII8 Chapter 8 Scene VIII9 Chapter 9 Scene IX10 Chapter 10 Scene X11 Chapter 11 Scene XI12 Chapter 12 Scene XII - Their First Night.13 Chapter 13 Scene XIII14 Chapter 14 Scene XIV - Quiet Days.15 Chapter 15 Scene XV16 Chapter 16 Scene XVI17 Chapter 17 Scene XVII18 Chapter 18 Scene XVIII19 Chapter 19 Scene XIX20 Chapter 20 Scene XX21 Chapter 21 Scene XXI - Learning in the Lure.22 Chapter 22 Scene XXII23 Chapter 23 Scene XXIII24 Chapter 24 Scene XXIV25 Chapter 25 Scene XXV26 Chapter 26 Scene XXVI27 Chapter 27 Scene XXVII28 Chapter 28 Scene XXVIII29 Chapter 29 Scene XXIX - A Celebration to Honour.30 Chapter 30 Scene XXX31 Chapter 31 Scene XXXI32 Chapter 32 Scene XXXII33 Chapter 33 Scene XXXIII34 Chapter 34 Scene XXXIV35 Chapter 35 Scene XXXV36 Chapter 36 Scene XXXVI37 Chapter 37 Scene XXXVII38 Chapter 38 Scene XXXVIII39 Chapter 39 Scene XXXIX40 Chapter 40 Scene XL41 Chapter 41 Scene XLI - Leisurable Morning.42 Chapter 42 Scene XLII43 Chapter 43 Scene XLIII44 Chapter 44 Scene XLIV45 Chapter 45 Scene XLV46 Chapter 46 Scene XLVI47 Chapter 47 Scene XLVII48 Chapter 48 Scene XLVIII - Visit to the Primitive Ones.49 Chapter 49 Scene XLIX50 Chapter 50 Scene L51 Chapter 51 Scene LI52 Chapter 52 Scene LII53 Chapter 53 Scene LIII54 Chapter 54 Scene LIV55 Chapter 55 Scene LV56 Chapter 56 Scene LVI57 Chapter 57 Scene LVII58 Chapter 58 Scene LVIII59 Chapter 59 Scene LIX60 Chapter 60 Scene LX61 Chapter 61 Scene LXI - Respect for the Wife.62 Chapter 62 Scene LXII63 Chapter 63 Chapter LXIII64 Chapter 64 Scene LXIV65 Chapter 65 Scene LXV66 Chapter 66 Scene LXVI - Unbearable wait.67 Chapter 67 Scene LXVII68 Chapter 68 Scene LXVIII69 Chapter 69 Scene LXIX - Why is it 70 Chapter 70 Scene LXX71 Chapter 71 Scene LXXI - Spoken Summon.72 Chapter 72 Scene LXXII73 Chapter 73 Scene LXXIII74 Chapter 74 Scene LXXIV75 Chapter 75 Scene LXXV76 Chapter 76 Scene LXXVI77 Chapter 77 Scene LXXVII78 Chapter 78 Scene LXXVIII79 Chapter 79 Scene LXXIX80 Chapter 80 Scene LXXX81 Chapter 81 Scene LXXXI82 Chapter 82 Scene LXXXII - Harsh path of a Savage Barbarian.83 Chapter 83 Scene LXXXIII84 Chapter 84 Scene LXXXIV85 Chapter 85 Scene LXXXV86 Chapter 86 Scene LXXXVI - Will the wait End.87 Chapter 87 Scene LXXXVII88 Chapter 88 Scene LXXXVIII89 Chapter 89 Scene LXXXIX - Sheets cannot Untangle.90 Chapter 90 Scene XC91 Chapter 91 Scene XCI92 Chapter 92 Scene XCII93 Chapter 93 Scene XCIII94 Chapter 94 Scene XCIV95 Chapter 95 Scene XCV96 Chapter 96 Scene XCVI - Unthought Feast.97 Chapter 97 Scene XCVII98 Chapter 98 Scene XCVIII99 Chapter 99 Scene XCIX100 Chapter 100 Scene C