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Billionaire werewolf

Chapter 8 The aftermath

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 01/07/2024

going limp as Max stood over it, his chest heaving with e

e exclaimed, her voic

ierce intensity. "I'll always protect you,

e threw her arms around Max's neck. "I know you w

stopped creaking, the wind died down, and the darkness receded. The stranger

htly. They knew that their bond was unbreakable, that they would

er, Ava's eyes widened in shock. "Max, your

surprise. His fur was indeed changing color, shif

What does it mean?" she asked, h

sion. "I don't know," he admitted. "But I thin

und sense of wonder. She knew that their bond was special

ppening, a loud noise echoed through the forest. It was

she asked, her voic

"It means we're not out of danger yet,"

ed into chaos, the trees creaking and swayi

aced with fear. Max's eyes scanned the surround

s, their eyes fixed on Max and Ava. The leader, a la

, its voice low and menacing. "Chosen

"I don't want to join your pack," h

ut Ava stepped forward, her heart fil

"We'll join your pack, but only if you promi

its gaze filled with surprise. And

you, human. But don't think you'll ever be one of us. You'll always be

ers, his gaze filled with reassurance. She kne

art of a world they never knew existed. A world

that they were in grave danger, that the pack was hiding secrets and lie

mething was off. The pack seemed friendly enough, but she sensed an underly

onstantly scanning the surroundings, h

pfire, Ava decided to confront the pa

mething?" Ava said, her

her gaze filled with a hint of

on in this pack? I sense a tension, a

se. "It's nothing, human. Just pac

truth. She could see it in her eyes,

g in her chest. "I don't believe you, Luna. Te

mething unexpected happened. She began to tr

with shock. She had never s

y. I didn't want to deceive you. But the truth is, our pack is in danger.

cing with fear. She knew they

gue wolf and stop it." Luna's eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered. And with

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