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Raging Blood And Bond

Chapter 7 Say My Name

Word Count: 1801    |    Released on: 30/07/2024

e get up. Taking to crawling, I made for the st

wly upward. Then I moved through the hallway when

ed to fall without restraint. A palm tightene

rom my front, causing me to try one of the closed doors al

tion. An arm crossed over my face, my wails with the dea

ries of uncultured events. But this... t

no one's f

Terin. But coming here snapped me back to reality. Now the fee

me how I remembered things that happened long ago, but what s

hing-toys, snacks... anything. I don't think they eve

had to live in a shared house. That was partly because their instincts convinced the

m get along, but they seemed to suddenly have a good

in kitchens as the salt and pepper kid because if I didn't bring back the

e of the person I wanted to be. My admiration went to her and the kind of powerful aura she exuded ev

served as a constant reminder of my parents and the night they died. It made me r

if I was cursed

r could see me. If that was just another trance caused by whatever was in the casket

and pulled me into their arms. I leaned

t or the way the person softly held me and rubbed my arms. It felt nice

sed my head. My voice sounde

our age now," she uttered with an underlying guilt in her voice. This time, her palm brushed back strands of hair that roughe

and the other young people here were aged as they looked.

high and wide that blocked my view of the sky. I felt Keel behind me before she hel

muttered as I

came," she added while pointing to the ice wall. "We're having a snow and ice event in honor of the snow goddess. It's like

iffled. "I want to sta

ushing mine. "Do you need some time a

st the walls glowed on the thick metal choker she wore, painting

l... or I thought nothing. "Stay," I whisp

he said while making me envision it with her hands. "Inside, the Syfirl is supposed to dance while the Amethyst does the same around the ring. But the Syfirl

her eyes didn't pass my notice. It made me want to comfort her. But despite

he drew a visionary line with her hands, she chatted, "Firnes who've woken their beasts line up in rows and columns in front of t

was the first time I'd seen her

s in the side of my face. I felt it through my side-eye. But beca

ists and had me face her. "And try t

. But before I could stop her next act

and faces. I couldn't help but smile more, but it disappeared after I looked ba

udly before she dashed into the crowd. A f

y eyes caught so

ainst the pile of boulders,

s left open. Everything else became a blur as I approached him. All I saw w

huge. It made me feel s

this urge to fall into that broad chest

f when I poked the arm to che

a person could be so beautiful. I reached for his face without hesita

the fire reflected in them, I

elt his breath on my face as I slowly stood on tiptoes, my eyes moving from his l

are you?

is lips felt warm and smooth. And he parted them before hi

s rushed over my skin. I haven't felt this

y pulled my head back. Then he leaned dow

er me. I didn't even know who he was, and now

ide of his face against mine. Our ears graz

in even as it got louder. I closed my eyes and


face in front of mine. He muttered t

d his tongue

ut I'll add it just to avoid getting judged. Sooo, WAR

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