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Chapter 4 The unconsciousness

Word Count: 1031    |    Released on: 17/07/2024

ee, stops killing innocents, Instead, he employs subtler methods, feeding on their blood like vampires while erasing their memori

. With decisive resolve, he embarked on freeing Emelia from the perilous trap, even at the risk of being harmed by the trap.As Emelia succumbed to unconsciousness due to the severity of her wounds inflicted by the cursed silver blade,Ull swiftly carried her fragile form to a secluded, forgotten dwelling hidden deep within the woods. There, amidst the solitude of the abandoned house, he calmly attended to her injuries. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge and unique abilities, Ull worked tirelessly to extract the silver particles embedded within Emelia's body, a task that posed a grave threat to his well-being.Despite the danger and discomfort, Ull used his werewolf strength to heal her yet she didn't regain consciousness. He cut himself and gave his blood to her but yet no improvement With unwavering determination, he painstakingly removed each tiny shard, his hands steady and his focus unwavering.Throughout the arduous process, Ull remained a steadfast guardian by Emelia's side, his normally solitary existence eclipsed by the unyielding commitment to her well-being. Minutes turned to hours as he labored tirelessly, the flicker of hope for her recovery illuminating the shadowed depths of his solitary existence.As the hours turned into days, Ull's calming and close watch over Emelia continued a silent testament to his newfound sense of duty and compassion. In the dim light of the abandoned house, time seemed to lose its meaning to Ull, each moment filled with the weight of uncertainty and the anticipation of Emelia's recovery. Every breath she took, every beat of her heart, became a lifeline for Ull which gave him more hope, anchoring him to the present as he tended to her needs.The passage of time served only to deepen the enigma surrounding Ull. As he tirelessly nursed Emelia back to health, his stoic facade began to crack, revealing glimpses of vulnerability and tenderness beneath his usually reserved exterior. His protective instincts surged to the forefront, driving him to

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