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Daniel chuks


In the supernatural war among werewolves in the city of Sushi, Ull and Rocco fall in love with the same lady, Emelia, but the love is only returned to Ull, the alpha from the rival pack. Emelia finds herself at the center of a dangerous game of power and betrayal. As the bearer of an unprecedented hybrid child conceived amidst the forbidden love between the Mamasan pack and Shadow pack, Emelia becomes the target of both packs and witches.With Lord Ragnar's relentless pursuit and Astaroth's insidious schemes threatening her safety, Emelia must navigate a treacherous landscape of deception and intrigue to protect her unborn child and secure her future. What will happen when the friends Ull and Emelia called again for them to gain power?

Chapter 1 The bloody night

The kingdom of Sushi was one of the most beautiful kingdoms in southern Europe but dangerous. In the great city of sushi, werewolves prowled the streets by night, hunting unsuspecting humans and dominating them.

Meanwhile, hidden in the city's big graveyard, witches gathered daily, plotting to end the great war between two powerful werewolf packs who rule the Sushis people: the Shadow and the mamasan pack.They are the werewolves who have ruled the city since the creation of the city.As night fell daily the city streets became emptied as humans ran home and locked themselves behind doors for the protection of their life and family. But for the werewolves, darkness was their playground and hurting period. In the shadows, the witches met, casting protective spells to shield the city and their people, though their magic couldn't hold back the darkness for so long but worked for the time being.Within the shadow pack, the most fearsome figure was Astaroth the ancient and bloodthirsty werewolf. Yet, he was not the most powerful the title belonged to a creature known as the Shadow, the ruler of the pack whose name was called pack he ruled for decades before was no more his packmate said he wanted to North Austria for war and some said he die after the last great war but his whose true identity remained a mystery, inspiring fear even among fellow werewolves.On a clear moonlit night, Astaroth walks through the quiet streets of Sushi, his sharp teeth exposed and his red eyes across a frightened group of humans seeking refuge from the rain, Astaroth, who had been watching them quote from a distance, used his werewolf speed and attacked them, feeding on their blood without remorse and hesitation. Their cries filled the streets of sushi as they attempted to flee, but they were not Astaroth's match; he easily overpowered them before disappearing into the darkness, leaving behind only blood-soaked and their body cobblestones as proof of his savage presence.Ull stood in the shadows, observing all of Astaroth's actions till he departed from the scene of his brutal attack on the human. With resolve burning in his heart, Ull knew he possessed the power to halt Astaroth's reign of terror but to do so is not an easy way. As a werewolf, Ull was not just any alpha; he was a warrior with a conscience, refusing to succumb to the darkness And his beast that controlled most Werewolf Instead, he wielded his abilities to protect and silently guard the city of sushi against the likes of others Werewolf and Astaroth.After tracking Astaroth's movement for a while, Astaroth stops noticing someone following him"Will you come out Ull and stop tailing me?" he said "Must innocent lives always be sacrificed? For the world to fear you?" Ull's voice resonated with calm determination as he blocked Astaroth's path. "There's still a chance for you to turn away from this path of darkness killing people is not a way to create fear you are just reducing their numbers"Astarotin thema mocking laugh. "You're too late, Ull. I am The guardian angel button."Taking pity I am a steadying breath, Ull resolved, "Then I'll have to stop you by force."A fierce battle ensued as They both engage in a fight Astaroth lunges at and moves so fast that haws Bavad the attack, seizing Astaroth's wrist and twisting it with precision. full speed he swiftly kicked Astaroth's abdomen, Ull momentarily stunned his opponent, delivering a powerful blow to Astaroth's jaw as blood spilled from his mouth.Gathering his resolve, Astaroth wiped the blood away, fixing Pull with a chilling stare. "You always surprise me," he growled menacingly. "But it won't be enough to stop me."Renewed by anger, Astaroth charged once more, catching Ull off guard with a blow to his temple, causing him to stagger. As Astaroth poised for a fatal strike, Ull remained composed, locking eyes with his adversary. In a sudden surge of strength, Ull twisted Astaroth's arm behind his back, channeling the moon's power to weaken his foe.The struggle continued, with Astaroth fighting against Ull's unwavering resolve, until finally, the moon's influence prevailed, subduing the once-fierce werewolf.Astaroth feels more intense frustrations, which makes him an outburst of anger that manifests in a primal howl. In all his attempts to break free from Ull's grip, Astaroth used all the strength he had left within him With his eyes glowing red with anger Astaroth confronted Ull head-on, preparing to unleash his wrath.Despite all of Astaroth's aggressive display, Ull remained composed and not moving. He studied and calculated Astaroth's next move and skillfully evade his attacks with remarkable agility, delivering a heavy punch to Astaroth's chest.With the surge of the human blood, he consumed earlier Astaroth's beast raised in him which made him soar. He ran towards Ull and circled him like a predator, his eyes fixed unwaveringly on his opponent. However, Ull stood watching steadfast in his resolve to protect the innocent.As the confrontation progressed, the tension in the warehouse and the surroundings got higher. Astaroth's raw strength clashed with Ull's agility and skill, and neither was willing to yield. Their battle echoed throughout the space and dust was everywhere.As the battle continues between them. Astaroth realized that Ull's prowess surpassed his own. Frustration consumed him, clouding his judgment as he recklessly lashed out. Ull seized the opportunity and landed a heavy blow to Astaroth's abdomen twice leaving him gasping for air.Despite having victory within his grasp, Ull hesitated, momentarily uncertain of his next move. Sensing an opening, Astaroth charged with ferocious intensity, overwhelming Ull and pinning him to the ground. However, in a surprising turn of events, Ull's countenance softened, showing a glimmer of compassion.Caught off guard by Ull's unexpected give up, he noticed he was not himself again he was being controlled by the beast in him Astaroth lowered his claws, relinquishing his intent to deliver a fatal blow. Despite their bitter rivalry, a silent understanding passed between them, transcending the violence that had consumed them both.Astaroth regarded Ull with a mixture of respect and determination. "Your fighting skills rival any man's, but I must fulfill. I cannot let you impede my path," he declared.All met Astaroth's gaze evenly. "Then do what you must," he replied, his tone unwavering.With a moment of hesitation, Astaroth turned and departed from the warehouse. Yet, as he exited, Ull's voice trailed after him, filled with unwavering resolve. "I will continue to oppose you. I will keep fighting for as long as I can," Ull vowed.The words lingered in Astaroth's mind as he paused, compelled to look back at Ull. "Why?" he questioned. "Why do you persist in this futile struggle?"All rose to his feet, a sense of determination radiating from him. "Because it's what's right," he asserted. "Because I refuse to let evil prevail. Because the people you are killing need us for protection not to be killing them"Something stirred within Astaroth as he listened to Ull's unwavering convictions. "I understand your conviction, Ull," he acknowledged. "But I believe our only path to victory lies in becoming stronger. I don't expect you to agree, but I hope you can trust me."After a moment's contemplation, Ull nodded slowly. "I trust you, Astaroth," he conceded. "But I won't forsake my principles. I won't descend to the level of the monsters we fight."Astaroth's laughter echoed through the warehouse as he rendered Ull unconscious. "Then we are in accord," he proclaimed. "We will grow stronger, but we will retain our humanity." With that, he departed, leaving behind a silent promise of a newfound understanding between adversaries.

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