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Chapter 2 The unplan attack

Word Count: 1606    |    Released on: 17/07/2024

o Lord Ragnar and Emelia the beta, and a great warrior, who has been serving Lord Ragnar since she was a child standing strong next to Lord Ragnar, felt the tension in the air, with the pack mutt

s feelings. He had harbored feelings for Emelia for a very long time but fear of risking their Years friendship and the reaction of Emelia if he confessed his love to her had kept him silent. Yet, witnessing her vulnerability had stirred something within him, compelling him to speak his truth. He knew he couldn't stay silent any longer. He had to find a way to express his love for Emelia.Rocco watched as Emelia and Lord Ragnar made their way towards the village, his mind wrestling with a decision. He couldn't bear to turn away now; he had to find a way to confess his feelings to Emelia.As Lord Ragnar and Emelia paused not far from her house, discussing the earlier attack on their pack, Rocco remained hidden listening to their conversation, thinking about his next move. When Lord Ragnar bid his farewell and departed from Emelia Rocco's build-up so boldly He couldn't let Emelia go home alone, not with the danger still lurking in the shadows.Just as Emelia began to head home, she stopped abruptly and turned around. Rocco held his breath, hoping she hadn't noticed him. But to his surprise, Emelia called out to him."Rocco? Is that you? Come out; you have been there awhile I can smell your scent, " she beckoned.Feeling a mix of nerves and determination, Rocco stepped out of the shadows, approaching Emelia cautiously."Hey I didn't know you would notice me," he greeted, his voice trembling slightly. "I... I just wanted to make sure you were okay."Emelia regarded him with a puzzled expression. " I am good Rocco, and what are you doing here at this time? Are you good?" she inquired."I was... I was worried about you," he confessed, his words rushing out in a jumble. "With those attackers earlier, I couldn't just let you go home alone. I wanted to protect you from any potential danger you know the shadow pack is everywhere."Emelia's demeanor softened, gratitude evident in her expression. "Thank you for your concern," she said sincerely."You don't have to thank me," Rocco replied, his heart racing. "I just... I just wanted to ensure your safety."Pausing for a moment, Rocco summoned the courage to express his true feelings. "Emelia, there's something important that is bothering me. I want to tell you for a while now," he confessed, his tone serious."What is it?" Emelia asked, her eyes searching his face for answers.Taking a deep breath, Rocco spoke from his heart. "I... Have feelings for you Emelia," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity The words spilled out of Rocco's mouth before he could stop them, and Emelia's eyes widened in shock as she stood frozen before him"You are what?" she stammered, her voice barely audible as she looked around before focusing back on Rocco.Rocco's heartbeat increases as he struggles to spill out the words while Emelia stands still before him, she is shocked by Rocco's words which are unbelievable But yeRocco cannot control hi

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