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Heirs of the Wolf: The Prophecy of the Triplets

Chapter 3 Decisions and Alliances

Word Count: 2569    |    Released on: 02/08/2024

d with maps and strategic documents, relics of many battles and negotiations. He was imme

said in a co

ly nervous. "Alpha, a message fo

nvelope. Alina. A wave of memories and conflicting emotions overwhel

eyes widened and her heart sank upon discovering that their childre

an emergency to attend to," he stated, hi

empty before rereading the message. Alina and her children were in danger, and she was

was wandering the halls, observing the pack's preparations. She heard excite

ssenger who had just left. " What is happening ?

omfortable. "Um... it was an urgent messag

ind raced, remembering the whispers and storie

to get answers. She knocked on the door and entered without waiting fo

t accusatory. "I heard about this mes

. "Selena, now is not the time. I ha

ation, Darius? You know how much this concerns me. If this Ali

matter of arrangement, Selena. Our children are in da

defiance in her eyes. "And what are you going t

ords. "I'm going to meet her and see how we can sav

But know that I will not sit idly by. If this situat

"I understand, Selena. But for

s Darius prepared to leave. He knew the complications with Selena we

indicated. The dense, silent forest seemed to breathe palpable tension. His ste

sh, but also by determination. Their eyes met, and for a moment the past se

tly as he approached

fists. "They were taken by an enemy pack. I don't k

king over. "We must act quickly. Do y

he had found, along with the threat

ans they know exactly who you are and who the kids are. This c

ixed on Darius. "And wha

n. "We are going to form a rescue team. I will gather s

hank you, Darius. I know it's not easy for

er shoulder. "We will find our c

tense but resolute. When they arrived, Darius summoned h

hem straight in the eye. "Our enemies probably know we'r

n. Alina, although nervous, felt a glimmer of hope. With Darius by her

ew she had to play smart if she wanted to protect her position. Her jealousy

a as preparations continued. "Alina, I will stay by your s

in her eyes. "Thank you, Darius. I know

mistakes, Alina. But today we have a

lina and Darius walked side by side, their hearts beating in unison. The forest

e to strategize. "We have to be careful. They probably ex

rd. "We could create a diversion. A small team could attract

ake a team and create the diversion. Alina an

g to save her children. "Let's be careful, bu

d Darius moved forward cautiously, using their knowledge of the forest to avoid enem

k, their senses on alert. The night enveloped the forest in thick darkness, pierced only

y audibly. "Stay behind me. We need to make s

snapping a branch or rustling the leaves. Finally, they arrived at the edge of a small clearing lit by a campfi

"There are six of them. We must neutral

l right. I'm going to go around to the left and try to app

gaps in the enemy defense. "Be careful, Alin

r to the children. His muscles were tense, every fiber of his being focused on

neck before he could make the slightest sound. He then slipped towards the second, repeating the operation with

, rushed towards her children. "Theo, Lila, Max! she whisp

, his eyes filled w

iet," she whispered, her finger

ck. "We were so scared, Mom," Lila whispered, her arms w

ured, her eyes searching Darius to make

ocking him to the ground with relentless force. Calm fell on the clearing, the only

rius said as he approached

while Theo and Lila stood firmly by her

y, his keen senses alert for the slightest danger. They moved quic

ing place that Darius had prepared. A small makeshift shelter, well camouf

us said, looking around. "They'll pr

Max close to her. "Thank you, Darius.

derness mixed with guilt. "It's my duty, Alin

snuggled up against their mother. Alina gently covered them

ed on the shadows in the forest. "We need

as inevitable. " Yes but not now. For n

ting her request. " Take a

, her eyes closing in fatigue. The silence of the night enveloped them, b

nses alert, ready to react to the slightest threat. His thoughts swirle

worried. The children were still sleeping peacefully, and she a

and a little water. "You have to eat something.

gratefully. " THANKS

pare a defense," he replied. "I will s

battle was just beginning.

t, skillfully avoiding enemy patrols. With every step, Alina felt a growing determination.

territory. The guards greeted them with surpri

is still on the move," Darius announced. "Dou

ity. Darius guided Alina and the children to a safe hous

ize the defense with my lieutenants. I

the importance of the situ

en, determined to protect them at all costs. She knew the road would be l

developed strategies to protect their territory and prepare for a possible coun

urn of Alina and the triplets threatened her status and her relationship

comfort she could. She knew that the coming battle would be decisiv

sted but determined. "We're ready," he said as he en

ation pass through her. "Then we will fi

led with resolution. " Together. W

time it was tinged with hope. They knew the path would be d

ut for now, they focused on what mattered: pro

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