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The Four Canadian Highwaymen; Or, The Robbers of Markham Swamp

The Four Canadian Highwaymen; Or, The Robbers of Markham Swamp



Word Count: 2089    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

y years ago, differed little from the gaudy garbs of now. Near a small village not far

nly tenants of the fields were flocks of pigeons that came to feed among the stubble; for many a ripe ear fell from the heads in the tying

e Don stood a low, wide-eaved cottage. It was completely clad in ivy; and upon the east

f taste and means. The nearest dwelling had an air of luxury, and round about it stretched wide areas of land from which the harvest of wheat and oats had been taken. Here and there in the distance a group of boys might be seen with their fishing rods in their hands; for at that day the Don stream was not foul by t

a girl. Her wide-brimmed hat rested upon the seat beside her, and round about it was a double girdle of ivy, as if twining there. Looking through the door of the dainty

uld have gainsaid the glory of those luxurious coils that hung over that sweet neck and draping the curving shoulders! Through the open doorway the sun streamed upon it; and th

ooking at the balance of the head, the statuesque

he casual observer would describe as 'full of mischief;' but behind the sunny brightness was a pensive cast. He walked softly towards the arbour, and st

, Roland-pardo

apples and your peaches; and to d

ming some time soon; b

d him he would have me during the afternoon and evenin

e; and it was plain that she was a

have misund

his arms almost at right angles with his body. His air you could only describe by the word 'howling'; and he was just the man to immediately catch the attention of a vulgar girl. His hair was as dark as a crow's; an

id in the most familiar way; 'thought you h

Mr. Gray, let me introduce to you Mr. Ham; Mr. Ham, Mr. Gray.' Roland bowed with

this young man, Aster; so I'll take a turn out and h

door neighbour, I p

upon nearly everything that he does upon his farm; a

you and he are very intimate friends.

oses to adopt this familiar fashion I cannot

ermit me to ca

do it; and all the time.' As sh

ng with the rest. You are sure that you will not mi

ed, because he seemed to take a pleasure in being familiar

herds of sleek cattle to pass into the hands of any other girl. Imagine pulling down the boundary line and joining the two farms into one! Imagin

ous eyes questioned his face eagerly. When she began her queries there was in them a flash of mocking mir

ue, neither were they brown; but they presented in the most fascinating ensemble a grey which at night was a fathomless dusk, and by day that green which you perceive where the sea is a hundred fathoms deep. With the light upon her eye there was a glint of emerald, that witching glare which made Becky Sharpe irresistible. Now im

specially when my most elaborate estimate must present

ives to Annette Marton. The nostrils were finely chiselled, betokening sensitiveness

not answer her question. But escape from the enquiring, unflinching stare

imes too good for this fellow Ham; and therefore I should not

Gray realize what a great compliment he has paid me, a poor rustic, an untutored country girl, with a little knowledge about the bees and clover, and some cunning as to the tricks of breachy cattle? Now wherefore should I not marry Mr. Ham? Do I know more about the English authors, or about the French ones than he does? Am I more gifted in mathematical insight; or do I know more

er, especially in a woman's, often have such an evasive subtlety of outline that you can no more define them than you could the message which some blossom, blooming in a wild, far place, has for the human h

I am very anxious to hear eve

b; and under an exterior of brusque frankness I believe he is deceitful and-co

and? Or would you have me advertise in William Lyon Mackenzie's newspaper. Or, still another

ot have you marry

e?' Her head was bowed now, and her misch

prefer for the present

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