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The Four Canadian Highwaymen; Or, The Robbers of Markham Swamp


Word Count: 5508    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

orrents, and many a proud tree received its death bl

and joy takes possession once again. The sky seemed so clearly blue, that one might think, as I myself often when a child

thistle-down, drove across the sky and hel

tches of violet; and if to these hues be added no other save the semi-universal cumulus or neutral, you have little cause to fear that the tempest will renew itself. But beware of the purple and the sulky indigo. The purple sometimes clears up a

e honest heavens, the wholesome air filling his lungs, a

beauty; for among the evergreens several maple, beech, and oak trees had thrust their roots. The dull bronze of the oak, the pal

y of our woods, aye?'

oking at that

u might imagine, young man. A capital

t lake which I see gle

here was something in the tone of the man

han you imagine; and by the time that your wound is healed you w

manner, m

; but you will bear a hand at night when no moon is to be seen; and when the storm kindly helps to conceal suspicious noises. Now and again, young man, if I must be so plain, I will need you to aid in breaking houses, and gagging noisy fools. Sometimes I will require you to crack a skull, if easier methods fail in the prosecution of our enterprises. I take

, young man, had my eyes before rested upon a being so fair as this. I might have gone away and strove to think no more about her, but the look of loathing as well as terror with which my face filled her, decided my course. I resolved to have her. Bef

then, that I might aid you


least of your evil deeds I will give myself up to justice.' The robber's face grew as dark as a thundercloud, and

y: If you have any hope of being able to escape hence and get into sheltering territory put it from you. While you stay in this wood watch will always be upon you

t despite your stature, your hungry knife, and your three villain associates, here, even in this den I would not hesitate to inflict chastisement if I could but do it upon grounds of honour. Now, ruffian, you kno

in commands when he joined the group. Murfrey, with a dogged countenance, descended the pit; the respectabl

,' The Lifter said to our hero, in a smooth, eve

g was sewing buttons upon a pair of breeches belonging to

it as surprising,

s strange,' qu

encounter, but whoever gets my life will have to strive f

ndeen where you are and keep

hen the entire figure appeared. The disguise was most complete, a

looking first at Nancy, and then upon Roland. The jealous glare setted the point in our hero's mind. The disguised ruffian was Murfrey. The next moment out popped a sleek, respectable looking pe

e beginning of all rig

' he said, raising his

g a benediction, th

entified. Under his wide-brimmed hat tufts of curly chestnut hair we

uch as to harmonize with a man who bought and sold horses, bullocks

,' he said to the old

ars I've lived in this bush, girl an' woman, an' he's the finest one that ever come into it; barrin' my other son the Slugger that the p'lice bagged when he was drunk. But not apeach woul

to have myself hanged in the end,

ing such coves as you here for,' she said, darting a malignant glance at our hero. 'I would be as

of his irritatin

on you, they would give the birds something to peck at. Do you know what they do with bad old ladies like you? Wh

she was unable to articulate; and when her fury reache

ke a turn with the

out of sight of our uncha

at danger upon your head.' Our hero and Nancy emerged from the wood and there lay spread before them a lake of shining water, though dark as soot. Its area was probably about twenty ac

y, Na

think, has taken a great fancy to your ways; and I think you will be able to credit what he says to you. I will join you up t

ter came whiffling alo

what do you think

blasphemous villian;

nd a bolt from heave

hey must or they never would suffer the Rev. Mr. Jonas to walk the earth. I often

What purpose can it serve t

likeen for the fellow's gal; but till you came she cared best for Joe. I'd l

, alas,

ur man in a duel?' Roland

f there is a silver spoon or a watch in the house he seldom leaves-though he often returns day in and day out to the same house-without bringeen it away. Sometimes he hears of a man who has a lot of shiners, and if he can be sure that he keeps it in the house, he makes himself at home for a few days about the place do

book, Oliver Twist. He was sentenced to three years; but when he got out he joined the pickpockets again; was again caught and transported to Australia. From that far away place he beat his passage to Halifax; and worked his way from that town, too, till he got to York. He was prime always at workeen anything. Well

bars he came away. They pat up the hue-and-cry next morneen, and had half the country at his heels. The

oad, and if he could bring in notheen better he was sure to return a little after dark with half a dozen chickeens, or a couple of quarters of lamb or veal arou

an, with a white bow under his t

e for?" the capteen asked in his most angry tones;

the man of God sometheen to eat. He must pray for us this eveneen. It'll be as good

d fun to hear that parson pray

dim-wood rang

cause these misguided men to relent in their intensheens, and permit him to go and carry the refresheen rain of the Gospel to thirsty ground. After the prayer

softened? May

He turned his eyes toward the clayey roof and gave thanks. When I returned to upper air Mr.

arson below has carried the grace of God to my heart. Henceforth my mission shall be to pre

t gather what he meant; but it

itself. Capteen, with your permission we will keep Mr. Jonas!" The capteen,

ommendations, etc.; and likewise bore away to his own diggeens a Bible, se

rs," he said, "I am n

good and Reve

cordial and Christian welcome. Since that time he has preached regularly every Sunday; he has "the run" of every Christeen house in the denomination through the county of York. More than this, he is noted for his piety and eloquence, and people who will not

ck upon just ten houses belonging to his parishioners. He has killed, with his own hand, in his own bed, the class-leader in the Wesleyan Sunday

is shocking. Does he still continue

our hear

eloquent minister who preaches


s, now that I come to reflect, this miscreant who went out this morning and the

ade better by his disco

d, 'what became of the poor

wasted away past beleiveen. Nobody here took to him li

that we may converse. I like best to contemplate the might of God t

our later the new Mr. Jonas returned; but he made no allusion to the r

od, how

the sleek desperado made his way up the stream; and our hero was left to horrible recollections. There was a noise among the parched le

t he has left you. We shall fish arid talk here. Has The Li

d enough to make

you about t


r. The robber chief's father was known as "Nick, the Highwayman," a terr

from the people about you; your language is eleg

ood began to return to her cheek, she heaved a sigh so piteous a

died a few hours after I was born. My father had served for many years as an officer in the army; and he fought under Lord Wellington, as captain, at Waterloo. He had several connections in this Province, and shortly after his arr

with another. Nor was I choice at all in the selection of my acquaintances. My father frequently used to point out that as I was a lady by blood, I should seek the compani

d for the dawn to break upon nights when the frost was keen. When the sun shone out I knew that the maples would merrily drip; and when breakfast was ended, tying on my hat, I hurried away to join the sugar-makers. It made no matter who the persons were, and I used to be as happy and as much at home among the servants who did our domestic work, as among the high-bred folk who were my father's associates. In the evening I attended candy parties among the rustics; and danced and pl

e is a real lady; and she is not

r own. All the rustics there were known to me; but there was a stranger present who at once attracted my attention. He had not the conscious air and movement of the country

had given the stranger all my heart. I had never loved before, much as I had enjoyed men's company. Yet, although I gave my heart away, I had some undefinable dread of this dark, daring strang

secret; and asked if I knew any clergyman upon whom I might rely to perform the ceremony. I knew that it would be useless to apply to the Episcopalian minister who preached once in the month in the district church, for he and my f

that he was obliged to be the greater portion of his time absent upon business, concerning which he would not give me the faintest clue. I noticed, too, that he always came at night and went away before the dawn; and that he always seemed afraid of something and of everybody. Sometimes it ran through my mind tha

fortnight, "I shall go home again and never permit you to see me more!" I knew he

e more of me than you have seen since we were wedded. But hearken to what I say:

horses outside, and across the back of his own steed my clothes, which he stowed in sacks, were put. For hours and hours through the night we rode; a

ecame of yo

complaint; but tearlessly resigned myself to my doom. The revelation, of course, instantly crushed the love out of my heart for the man who had betrayed me

ame your

g table he squandered a handsome fortune; and he then committed forg

een since then?' A flus

His offer I refused; and it has never since been made. To shield myself from the advances of the rest I have permitted the odious ruffian Murfree to pay court to me. He is my constant persecutor; and he is persistentl

that make an

unt as well as upon my own. Be assured that he will never forgive you for last evening. But,' she exclaim

ond? The captain says that the

those dark waters have many secrets. I am afraid to

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