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A Face to Love

Chapter 3 The Aftermath of Surgery

Word Count: 1444    |    Released on: 29/08/2024

a vase on the ledge mingled with the antiseptic odor that persisted in the air. Sunlight filtered through the half-opened blinds, throwing delicate shadows on the pale blue w

ripped at her insides, and she felt the world close in, the room's brilliance lowering as her eyesight clouded. "Just breathe," he said, his tone firm yet gentle, the power in his voice stabilizing her amongst the tempest. "I need you to concentrate on my voice. Inside and outside. "You can do it."Suzan nodded, despite the fact that she was filled with terror. She concentrated on his voice, using it to ground herself as she battled to breathe through the agony. "Inhale, exhale," he directed her, his presence a constant force amid the tornado of her emotions."Good," he said, softly laying his hand on her shoulder, a reassuring gesture that sent warmth through her despite the commotion. "You are safe. "I am right here."Suddenly, the door sprang open, and the anesthesiologist and two nurses raced in, their expressions a combination of professionalism and hurry. "What's going on?" the anesthesiologist said, her gaze flitting between Suzan and Dave."I'm not sure," Dave said, his voice firm despite the anxiety in the air. "She's in severe agony. We need to evaluate her promptly."The crew went into action, working quickly and purposefully to check her vitals and analyze the situation. Suzan felt their presence around her-a swirl of activity that both reassured and worried her. What went wrong? Was anything going wrong during the surgery?"Stay with me, Suzan," Dave whispered, his stare fixed on hers, his steadfast concentration piercing through the chaos like a lifeline. "I'll take care of you." "I promise."She nodded, her heart hammering against her chest. She felt tiny and fragile, but with him at her side, there was a glimmer of hope. "I'm scared," she said, her voice wavering as she felt the weight of her anxieties bear down on her."I know," he said quietly, examining her gaze. "But we'll work this out together." You're stronger than you realize."Suzan felt the agony ease somewhat as the nurses worked fast, the edges easing as the drug took effect. The pandemonium of the room eventually faded into the background, leaving just Dave's voice and the constant buzzing of the monitors."Suzan, I'm going to check your abdomen," the anesthesiologist murmured softly and soothingly. "I need you to tell me if the pain increases or changes.""Okay," Suzan answered, her pulse beating as she attempted to concentrate on the present moment and anchor herself in reality. As the anesthesiologist started her assessment, she sensed Dave's presence alongside her, a calming influence in the middle of chaos."Just a little pressure," the anesthesiologist advised, her hands expertly inspecting the region. "Tell me if it hurts."As she battled the vestiges of terror, Suzan nodded, her pulse beating. But when the anesthesiologist

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