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A Face to Love

Chapter 5 Conflict with Family

Word Count: 1485    |    Released on: 29/08/2024

the wide bay window. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of clattering dishes and active talk-a cacophony that should have soothed her. But today, the atmosphere

e to face that reality." Suzan's pulse raced as she tried to maintain her cool. How could her mother be so oblivious to her progress? "I am not embarrassed of my scars, Mom! They are part of my narrative. You have no idea how hard I struggled to reach this point. I'm not going to cover things up with other procedures!" Before Eleanor could react, the door flew wide, and Suzan's overprotective brother, Tom, walked inside with a friendly grin. "Hello, everyone! " I brought dessert." He held aloft a package of pastries, oblivious to the tense atmosphere. "Tom!" Eleanor shouted, her tone changing from chilly to joyful in an instant. "Just in time!" We were just discussing Suzan's recovery." Tom wrinkled his brow as he felt the underlying tension. "Oh? Is everything alright? He looked between his mother and sister, his protective instincts kicking in. "No, everything is not okay!" Suzan erupted, her rage spilling out. "Mom feels I need further procedures, but I'm trying to convey that I'm mending at my own rate. But she simply doesn't get it!" Tom's gaze darkened as he looked towards their mother. "Mom, you should back off. Suzan has gone through hell and back. She's trying hard to recover her life, and putting her under this kind of strain is unfair." Eleanor's eyes blazed with rage, and the tension in the room grew. "I'm just trying to help her!" "I want the best for her future!" "And what about what Suzan wants?" Tom retorted, raising his voice. "She is a grownup, Mom! She doesn't need you to dictate her decisions. "She is doing this for herself, not for you!" Suzan felt an overwhelming sense of thankfulness pour over her. Finally, someone has understood! But when she looked at her mother, she could feel the pain in Eleanor's eyes, the disappointment on her face. "Tom, I'm simply trying to guide her." I don't want her to regret not doing enough," Eleanor replied, her voice softening but still frustrated. "Regret?" Tom sneered. "What is there to regret? Suzan is already on a journey to rediscover herself. She is not the girl who went into that accident, and she will not be the same thereafter. She is stronger, and she is coming to accept her new situation. The words lingered in the air, thick with passion, and Suzan sensed a glimmer of hope. Could this be the turning point she needed? Could she finally claim her autonomy? "Tom's right, Mom," Suzan murmured, her voice calming as she took a long breath. "I am not aiming for perfection. I am on a path of self-discovery, which includes learning to embrace my scars as a part of who I am. I don't want to hide behind more operations. I want to confront my worries and rediscover my self-esteem." Eleanor

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