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A Face to Love

Chapter 7 Hidden Feelings

Word Count: 1504    |    Released on: 29/08/2024

er fingers curled around a hot cup of chamomile tea, its relaxing perfume blending with the faint smell of freshly baked pastries coming fr

f fear swept over her. Is this a malpractice case? The words repeated in her thoughts, drowning out the café's warmth and her friend's soothing presence. The consequences were astounding. "What happened?" Another nurse said, moving in closer, her face concerned.The first nurse looked around to ensure no one outside their circle could listen. "He was engaged in an unsuccessful operation. The patient did not survive. It was terrible for everybody concerned, including him." It's been a shadow on his career ever since."Suzan's stomach twisted in knots. Had the guy she had started to care about-the physician she had put her life in the hands of-suffered such a tragedy? It was a terrifying realization, and she felt a torrent of contradictory feelings flow through her body-fear, rage, and despair. "Are you serious?" "I thought he was one of the best," the second nurse said, her voice filled with amazement."He is! But you understand how the system works. "One mistake, and it will follow you forever," the first nurse said, her voice low and secretive. "Honestly, I'm surprised he's still practicing after everything that happened."Suzan's pulse raced as she sought to absorb the significance of the nurses' comments. What if Dave's history haunts him? What if it showed he couldn't separate work and emotions? The thought of being entangled with him sent shivers down her spine. "Hey, are you okay?" Emily's words burst through her thoughts, anxiety written over her face as she saw Suzan's countenance deepen. "You look like you've seen a ghost.""I... "I just overheard something," Suzan said, her voice barely above a whisper. "They were talking about Dave." Regarding a malpractice lawsuit he was engaged in."Emily's brows furrowed, her face shifting from worry to perplexity. "What? Is this a malpractice case? Are you certain?Suzan nodded, her stomach twisting as she recalled the memories. "They said a patient died during the operation. It was terrible for everybody concerned, including him. "It has hung over his career ever since."Emily's countenance changed as she assimilated the information. "Wow, it is hefty. But, Suzan, you must realize that every surgeon has had difficulties. It does not imply that he is a lousy doctor or that he would make errors with you."I know, but it changes everything," Suzan said, her voice shaking. "What if I was just another patient for him?" What if he's unable to separate his affections for me from his work?" What if I end up becoming a liability?"Emily leaned closer, her gaze sincere. "You cannot allow fear to control your decisions. You've established a relationship with him, which signifies something. You should tell him about this. Don't let misconceptions destroy something great.""What if he is still plagued by his past? What if he is incapable of going forward?" Suzan's voice

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