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The Wolf’s Ascension

The Wolf's Ascension


Chapter 1 The Unexpected Summons

Word Count: 2198    |    Released on: 30/08/2024

Copeland, in her wolf form, prowled the shadows, her paws leaving imprints on the soft earth. Her senses were heighte

he weight of her curse, the whispers that had haunted her since birth, seemed to dissipate as she surrendered to the rhythms of

dormant, a reservoir of untapped potential that she struggled to control. The other Lycans in her pack vie

es scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. But it was not a threat that emerged from the tr

oice echoing through the stillness. "The King summon

erment. The King of the Lycan Kingdom – the enigmatic and powerful Max Noraz – had summoned her. Brittney's min

the course of her life. The messenger's words hung in the air, sending a tremor of anxiety through Brittney's body. A summons from the King himself – it was an honor,

trepidation. What could the King possibly want with a lowly beta like herself? Surely, there were more pressing matters that demanded his

endant that hung around her neck, a familiar gesture

d, towering gates, the bustling streets teeming with Lycans of all ranks, the imposing architecture that s

ility following in her wake. She straightened her shoulders, refusing to be cowed by their scrutiny, but deep down, a sense of unease

ng the imposing figure of King Max Noraz, seated upon his throne and regarding her with an inscrutable gaze. The journey to the royal palace was a jarring transition for Brittney, her wolf form shifting back to her human gu

f the palace. The high ceilings, the intricate stained-glass windows, and the elegant chandeliers that

Lycans? What could she possibly have to offer the ruler of their kind? The questions swirled

sense of intensity that seemed to bore into her very soul. His features were carved from stone, his expression un

osphere of grandeur and authority. Brittney could feel the weight of countless eyes upon her, the w

oken with a mixture of reverence and fear, and Brittney had always regarded him with a sense of awe and trepidation. Now, as she sto

ght her a modicum of comfort in the face of the king's unwavering gaze. She forced herself to stand tall, t

the king want with a lowly beta like herself? The questions swirled in he

al the purpose behind this unexpected summons. The silence in the throne room was palpable, broken only by the rhythmic tapping of Kin

s, it was measured and weighted with purpose, c

are of you for some time, sensing the power that lies dormant within you

s. Power? Potential? What did he mean? She had always felt like an out

s of a cursed alpha who will rise to challenge the very foundations of our world. A

A cursed alpha? A prophecy that could threaten the kingdom? Her mind whirled, trying

voice barely above a mumble. "What could

my dear, is what we must discover," he replied. "The fate of the Lycan Kin

he had always known that she was different, that there was something about her that set her apart from the o

ey's head spun as she tried to process the king's startling revelation. A cursed alpha? A prophecy that could threaten the

en, and a contingent of Lycan nobles flooded into the chamber. Their eyes were fix

lue eyes and a cold, calculating gaze – Lord Malakar Dreyfus, one of the most powerful and influential nobles in the kingdom. The second was a striki

power and authority. It was clear that they had a vested interest in her presence here, and the thought

less smile. "So, the king has finally decided to bring the cursed beta

eful and deliberate. "My dear Brittney," she purred, "how intriguing that the king

and the stakes were higher than she could have ever imagined. Brittney felt the weight of the Lycan nobles' scrutiny as they converged upon her, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosi

y veiled threat. "The king has brought you out of the shadows, but do you trul

voice dripping with false sweetness. "My dear, you must be so overwhelmed. P

wn agenda. She knew that her every move would be scrutinized, her every word weighed and di

lance of reassurance or guidance. But the king's expression remained guarded, h

unding her as she struggled to maintain her composure. She knew that she was out of her depth, a mere

e king believed that she had a role to play in this ancient prophecy, then she woul

ewfound resolve. She may be a cursed beta, but she would not be cowed by these alphas and their veiled threats. W

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