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The Wolf's Ascension

Chapter 4 Prophecies in Shadow

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 30/08/2024

s known that she was different, that the shadows that clung to her were more than just a figment of her imaginatio

desperate plea. "How can I possibly unravel the mysterie

or the path ahead is shrouded in darkness, and the choices you make will echo through the ages." Brittney stood in stunned silence as Ronan's words echoed in the stillness of her quarters, the weight of his revelations leaving her r

owards the door, his departure as ab

ust leave me with more questions than answers. What exactly are you saying about my fam

seek are hidden in the shadows, Brittney," he said, his voice low and measured. "But you mu

Lycan Kingdom that sought to control her destiny sending a surge of unease through her. "Who are you talking ab

one, Brittney," he said, his tone grave. "Not even those who claim to have your best interests at heart. The shadows tha

alone with the weight of his words. She stood there, her mind racin

ected to the fate of the Lycan Kingdom? Oh my God she murmured!. The more she learned, the more the

ross the palace grounds, she knew that she could no longer

nly her own instincts, to forge her own path through the treacherous landscape of the Lycan Kingdom. Brittney's steps were hurried as she made her way through the winding corridors of the royal palace, her mind reeling from th

warrior's piercing blue eyes immediately locking onto her. Mark's expression shifted fro

with a hint of urgency as he crossed the distance

"Mark, I... I don't know what to do," she confessed, her green eyes pleading. "Ronan Metzger w

n and protectiveness. "Ronan Metzger?" he echoed, his tone laced

pine. "He said that the answers I seek are hidden in the shadows, Mark," she said, her voice ten

me," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "Whatever this prophecy is, whatever darkness is lurking in t

rwhelming uncertainty that had threatened to consume her. Yet, even as she drew comfort from her friend's unwavering support, she

sing in, and that the fate of the Lycan Kingdom may rest on my shoulders." Brittney and Mark's hushed conversation was interrupted by the arriv

s voice was formal, his gaze sweeping ov

senger had used sending a surge of unease through her. "Y-yes, that'

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