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The Billionaire's Veil

Chapter 2 Into the Fire

Word Count: 1383    |    Released on: 12/09/2024

pped from the pen as her heart pounded in her ears. She froze like a deer caught in the headlight. These men weren't sim

nched-the one giveaway that he was now on a different wavelength. He leaned sideway

id in a low, modulated voice.

inned. "You're inte

eterred by the tone in Chris

f something so much bigger-and more dangerous-than she could imagine. Her gut screamed at her to turn and run,

er direction-a glance that was brief but not exactly an order

ot an in

ing as she tried to gather up her things. She felt the men stare after her as s

. Before her, the corridor had opened sleek and cold, miles away from the choking tension in Christ

steady her racing mind. What had just happened? Who were those men and what did they want

re in the hearth, and wide windows that overlooked the city below. But Elena barely not

riage, the foes... The whole thing seemed so unreal, so unbelievable, and there she was, right in the m

lounge was dead quiet, except for the slight crackling of the fire. Elena

sk of controlled fury, the storm in his eyes barely contained. He didn't say anyt

," he said, hi

na asked, her voice small i

something flicker there-something so very vulnerable and very dangerous. "You ne

o race once more. "Christian, I don't even

He spoke low and caught her gaze in his with such concentration that it sent her knees weak.

twisted. "Wh

ow they know you're involved." His jaw clenched, his frustra

She was standing too close to the fire, could feel it burn hotter with every passing

oice firmer than she felt. "If I'm going to be part of t

hand through his hair, the rare crack in his smooth

he door, leaving Elena standing in the middle

other half-the voice of reason, for once-was cautioning her against it, warning her to k

ng feeling there was

icing through the quiet. He reached for it without a moment's hesitation, but th

lena could hear the tinge of pan

he other side of the conversation, but whatever it was, it ha

n hung up. His face had gone pale, his eyes clo

, her own fear bubbling to t

rm, his fingers wrapping softly yet firmly around it as he


ntly. "Just trust me. You'll be safe, but

ped. Who? Who's

swift, purposeful strides. The tension was palpable, a thick fog of danger closing in around them. E

with a little too much force. The doors opened with a soft ding; h

w was set, his eyes fixed on the floor indicator as if willing it to move fa

rked to a sudden stop. The lights flickered, and f

, the words low and

a lobby at all, but onto some deserted, ill-li

ceeding cautiously, his eyes raking the hallway, and Elena

ing wa

lights made yet another jump-and th

spered low, his voice

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