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The Billionaire's Veil

Chapter 3 Shadows and Secrets

Word Count: 1358    |    Released on: 12/09/2024

se drummed in her ears, with every step louder than the previous one. The darkness was smot

along with a firm, even grasp. "Keep up," he urged, his vo

f one of the loose tiles. It was Christian's grip that kept her upright. S

the words juddering out despite her

id, allowing no argument. "There's a serv

thick with the smell of dust and something else-something metallic and unsettling. Her mind ra

hrough the darkness. Elena froze. Christian's hand closed tighte

iet," he

Elena was able to make out the faintest inkling of footsteps ensuing from the direction of the r

ly readable: "Service Access." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small ke

ed calmly, though there was u

metal door shut behind them with a loud clang. The darkness here was not suffo

mind, but now was not a time for questions. An air of menace pervaded the atmosphere;

ay, but that sense of urgency did not fade. Christian was intent, peering ahea

bottom of the stairs. Crates and shipping equipment were scattered ev

e need to get out of here and blend

p. Reaching the alleyway, Christian stopped to pull out a dark cap and a pair o

hey'll help us a

m on. Christian adjusted his cap and shades, then they

and decaying material. They walked briskly, Christian's strides purpose

rcing the tense silence. "What'

t's complicated. I'll explai

ed them-but something in the urgency of Christian's demeano

a few rapid strokes of his thumb. He spoke in hushed tones, his words c

ething's gone wrong... me

in grim determination. "We have a safe house temporarily not to

reet lined with modest building facades and dimly lit streetlights. Christian led the

a small apartment with the regular furniture that spoke to not drawing notice rather than attenti

practiced efficiency, getting what looked like a small security system up and running. He cast a glan

, but calm, reassuring

rom inside her head. "I need to know what's going on,

ered. "Those men were sent by one of my rivals. They're trying to disrupt my business and mak

not just after me-they want to make a statement, to destabilize everything I'

"And the contract? What w

er plan. I have to at least appear stable and normal, what with the attacks and all that'

said obviously weighing heavily on him. "So it's

And at the moment, it's about keeping you safe. They know

ettling epically upon her sho

I can take care of all this. I'll deal with the threats, and when ever

r-the sense of danger-but in this small, dark apartment, for the mom

aside, peering into the street. Tense, his eyes strai

deeper than she had anticipated her involvement in the world of Christian. She looked

it would be faced head-on. For now, that meant staying near

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