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The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2131    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

m the people of the moon proved by an inscription in Africa, and by the analogy of their language, which is also the same with that of the ancient Scythians-The Baron is declared sovereign of the inte

, which only excites greater murmur

g of the unfortunate animal. Nothing seemed requisite to add to the barbarity of this feast but kava, made as described in Cook's voyages, and at the conclusion of the feast we perceived them brewing this liquor, which they drank with the utmost avidity

was spoken of all over the country as a phenomenon. The multitude looked upon Sphinx, the bulls, the crickets, the balloons, and the whole com

feet three inches in height, with a countenance, like all his countrymen, as white as snow! He was preceded by a band of most exquisite music, according to the fashion of the country, and his whole retinue halted within about fifty paces of our troop. We returned the salute by a discharge of musketry, and a flourish of our trumpets and martial music. I

d and refined a people in the centre of Africa, and that I hoped to show myself and compan

the principal language spoken there, and in the centre of Africa, is very nearly the same. Their alphabet and method of writing are pretty much the same, and show the

and laborious friend. The above words, written in our characters, are Sregnah dna skoohtop; that is, The Scythians are of heavenly origin. The word Sregnah, which signifies Scythians, is compounded of sreg or sre, whence our present English word sire, or sir: and nah, or gnah, knowledge, because the Scythians united the essentials of nobility and learning together: dna signifies heaven, or belonging to the m

gdom of Great Britain, and appeared lost in admiration at the account I gave him of our shipping, and the immensity of the ocean. We taught him to regulate the government nearly on the same plan with the British constitution, and to institute a parliament and degrees of nobility. His majesty was the last of his royal line, and on his decease, with the unanimous consent of the peopl

used every persuasive method to wean the majority of the people from it. This, to my astonishment, was not taken in

usands to dine, after the fashion of Europe, upon roasted meat. Alas, 'twas all in vain! my goodness nearly excited a sedition. They murmured among themselves, spoke of my intentions, my wild and ambitious views, as if I, O heaven! could have had any personal interested motive in making them live like men, rather than like crocodiles and tigers. In

, were universally pasquinadoed; lampoons, satires, ridicule, and insult, were showered upon the name of Munchause

rce, for the rest of the council, who had advised me to the former method, had given but a poor specimen of their abilities a

deliciousness is, what sweetness, or what the flavour of the grape. And even if they were convinced of the superior excellence of your way of life, never, never would they be persuaded; and that if for no other reason, but because force or persuasion is employed to induce them to it. Abandon that idea for the present, and let us try another method.

r, the possibilities of success, or how they could bring matters to bear. However, 'twas a scheme, and as such they submitted. For my part, I listened with ecstasy to the words of Hilaro Frosticos, for I knew that he had a most singular knowledge of human kind, and could humour

low wit, and deplorable ignorance could conceive to asperse my government, was put in execution. The mo

f the states, filled with an idea of such continued ingratitude, I spoke as pathetic as possible, not, methought, beneath my dignity, to make them feel for me: that the universal good and

minute I saw nothing but as if through a cloud (such is the force of amiable sensibility)-lords, ladies, chiefs-the whole assembly seemed to swim before my sight. The more I thought on

" said Hilar

up as Hilaro entered the room, the tears in my eyes: "Look, look here, Hilaro!-how can I bear all this? It is impossible to please them; I will

tude, such good sense. "There are three sails, under the convoy of a frigate," added Hilaro, "just arrived at the Cape, after a fortunate passage, laden wi

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