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The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 943    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the National Guards-Pursues the whole rout into a Church, where he defeats the National Assembly, &c., w

f the amiable Marie Antoinette, and swore to avenge every look that had threatened her with insult. I went to the cavern of these Anthropophagi, assembled to debate, and gracefully putting the hilt of my

tribunal seized the Speaker, who was fulminating against the Aristocrats, and taking the creature by one leg, flung him at

Assembly at present, and I shall register your edicts to recall the princes and the nobility; and in future, if your majesty ple

wn sword advanced against my foes. Three hundred fishwomen, with bushes dressed with ribbons in their hands, came hallooing and roaring against me like so many furies. I scorned to defile my sword with their blood, but seized

to flight; and having made prisoners of some of them, compelled them t

n with garlands decking it, and singing "Ca ira!" I could bear the sight no longer; but rushed upon these pagans, and sacrificed them by dozens on the spot. The members of the Assembly, and the fishwomen, continued to invoke their great Voltaire, and all their masters in this monument de grands hommes, imploring them to come down and succour them against the Aristocrats and the sword of Munchausen. Their cries were horrible, like the shrieks of witch

ursed skeleton Voltaire, and soon compelled him to renounce all the errors he had advanced; and while he spoke the word

weeping tenderly. "Ah, thou flower of nobility," cried she, "were all th

g, thanking me for my assistance, hoped I would not trouble myself any farther, as he was then, he presumed, out of danger; and the Queen also, with tears in her eyes, thanked me on her knees, and presented the Dauphin for my blessing. In short, I lef

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