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The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1458    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Mayor's show, comes to the assistance of Don Quixote-Gog and Magog assail his Lordship-Lord Whittington makes a speech, and deludes Gog and

ho art thou? Speak! or, by the eternal vengeance of mine arm,

llowing, the crickets sounded an alarm, and Gog and Magog advanced before the rest. One of these powerful brothers had in his hand a great pole, to the extremity of which was fastened a cord of about t

to venture cross my way, to stop the great Munchausen. Know then,

ancha's knight,

! know thou, that here before yon azure heaven the cause of truth

not some wight placed 'neath the tail of dark Rosinante furze all thorny base; at which, qua

y side. In vain he roared, and invoked fair Dulcinea del Toboso: for frogs' wild croaking seemed more loud, more sonorous t

urge, midst frogs, Gridalbin, Hecaton, Kai, Talon, and the Rove! [for such the names and definitions of their qualities, their separate powers.] For Merlin plumed their airy flight, and then in watery moonbeam dyed his rod eccentric. At the touch ten thousand frogs, strange met

ittering gay, red, gold, and purple; and in every hand a square of gingerbread, all gilded nice, was brandished awful. At a word, ten thousand thousand Naples biscuits, crackers,

night renown, and mute in wonder heard the words of Whittington, pronouncing solemn:-"Goblins, chimeras dire, or frogs, or whatsoe

confessed? Shall you, thus armed with bladders vile, attack my title, eminence, and pomp sublime? Subside, vile discord, and again return to your true 'legiance. Think, my friends, how oft your gorgeous pouch I've crammed, all calapash, green fat, and calapee. Remember how you've feasted, stood inert for ages, until size immense you've gained. And think, how different is the service of Munchausen, where you o'er seas, cold, briny, float along the tide, eternal toiling like to slaves of Algiers and Tripoli. And ev'n on high, balloon like, through the hea

ity returning, 'neath their feet reclined their weapons. Sudden at a signal either stamped his foot sinistrine, and the lou

d his merry note, e'en thou didst perish, shrieking gave the ghost in empty air, the sport of every wind; for e'en that heart so jocund and so gay was pierced, harsh spitted by the lance of Mancha, while undaunted thou didst sit between the horns that crowned Mowmowsky. And now

ould the riders, crickets throned sublime, escape from rage, from fury less averse than cannons murder o'er the stormy sea. The great Mowmowsky roared amain and plunged in anguish, shunning every dart of fire-eyed fierce Grimalkin. Dire the rage of warfare and contending crickets, Quixote and great Magog; when Whittington advancing-"Good, my friends and warriors, headlong on the foe bear down impetuous." He spoke, and waving high the mighty rod, tipped wonderful each bull, at which more fierce the creatures bellowed, while enchantment drear devoured their vitals. And all had gone to wrec

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