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Yesterdays_History uncaged

Yesterdays_History uncaged

Author: Expendee

Chapter 1 Home

Word Count: 4674    |    Released on: 23/09/2024

told at such a bed time rest, but this is not a story as it ought to be. Do you call History of one a story? In general stories could be anything fake or real but to me it was not. To me the Hist

s of my home land if it be an atrocity to tell

life i would like to let us k

ody has

ture, tradition and kinds - when it is time to unite,

at , that was how i raised my children to be therefore i need no soothsayer to reveal to them what time it was and what

e eldest son, Morris, Olivera, Feji

only the Heavens knew how it had happened. We

ine and i, Thelma as my children called

n call me a Story teller or

se stories to teach and at seldom i could use stories of Harvey the Graveya

Rufous the Nightingale stories and not the usual fairy tales, or lazy tortoise stories neither was it

without mentioning to them each in the scene wher

story , my History , our heritage, history is the hi

art the story?" My little pr

'em chores." Morrison re

and his sister Olivera they had both came from the same father. Their father i never thought that we would be separated despite the fact t

f my children would portray traits from their fathers except for Aka's father, he was my first man, till date i wept for his death because he meant the universe to me, i could testify that among all men who had flowed through my life like blood flowing in the plenary

walls of my house. It was the children being optimistic as they await upon my approach into their room. All eyes were f

hing usual as expected from me happened as t

h we'd pledged and advocated for events to kick play, that is to say that there

you had become his opponent just like the games of football until he had lift the trophy and becomes the champ then you are welcomed, while some men could sting you up until you had run up on

gh. It was one thing to gain freedom and independence and another is to


her and at the same time i needed to do the dishes i was actually multitasking. I had not bothered calling upon the children to help me out especially now that it was late at night and they were duly tucked up in their bed, it would be morally

into the trailing echoes of the trance shipping me gradually a memory of my first husband...his father. The memories had came back live into my ey

f mortality. Where could he be right now? Could he be right where he was and be watching us from there b

in the place called hell as i was taught by the men from the strange land who said they came forth with priceless gifts. Where could he be right now because my Kuma knew no Christ and no Lord, he knew no Jehovah and Messi

ly from falling but i am only a human. My emotions had uncontrollably let itself out in packs of tears despite the sessions i had train

had seen the sympathetic look on my sons face, a simple feeling tellin

, he was always there, always right on time. I often teased him th

not be shocked to hear this from a woman because i am one of their kind, i am not just a woman but a mother, not just an ordinary mother but one with courage

rt of a woman...and please do not break it. Do you hear me well? Do not ever try to break the heart of a woman because that same gloaming and blossom red heart if broken could turn into a poison and deadly viper's spat just as the red blood vessels turns black once it had been spilled out from its realm of flow in the blood containe

heart appraisal, one who could serve to them as their better half. And to my two beautiful daughters Olivera and her younger sister Fejiro, i am obliged to raise them up

ot for so many but for the possibilities of what it may seem now, the advantages of what we have now than then. The new life and the new world they promised and now a new home; thereafter there was a poss

the blacks . My home was a practical population of people who were the same , alike in kinds and physique as well as our skins colors

d our tribal games and seasons of laughter and merriment. We had everything we wanted to live as a human beings but they had called us Barbaric, Bush ki

destructive . I warn again do not cast stones upon me for i am an elite just as you today but the difference between us is the space and in those space you would find the lines of the words. Listen c


was helping me to sort out

eet width and thirty three meters high, it had lockers and cabinets below, fine brown wooden

Dave and Maria. I called them Taiwo and Kehinde hence they were twin and a particular name given to twin from the west.

African way not minding what was trending. Of course to us who were Africans who valued our homeland we were classified as old fashioned and primitive. And yes! y

ehinde. She had often teased me and had given credits to me for her conception of her baby twins which turned to be different gender.

lose attention to them you will never be able to assimilate. I had tried teaching them the African language which was foreign to them and to the best of my knowledge they understand but could not just speak it. I do not blame

s i had helped her in the preparations of the a

on her young friends...my kids. As an appreciation for the gestures i had shown to the family when i needed to make chairs and the kitchen cupboard with locks

ot running high on temperature...And all of a sudden the gentle glimpse of his cold hands resuscitated me and bro

ways believed that my Kuma knew no sin and he was my own saint. He lives in my heart now and may his gentle soul r

yer to our father who lived in the Heaven. Not the very Heaven of these aliens but another Heaven, another paradise. If each one of these aliens could call their planet where they came fro

as taught. This may not be one of those Big Book stories we had read about men who

could actually change people, humans, you could take away their faith and beliefs and captivate their mental thoughts through story telling. That was the case of me and my people and for

at last give credit to whosoever knew these stories from its start to its finish and can as well write in accord all the things which had been scripted in the bible that some were called scriptures ; that was what i was t

. Maybe? Ha ha! Ha ha!!... I am not in thigh rest resting such claims, nor am i here to argue about the

feet and fifty one inches tall, slim figure as if he was nit feeding well and curves which exposed his masculine structure. Morrison and Olivera

t under teens, average tall resting on my breast level and weighing twenty eight pounds weight. An uneasy fellow who was very playful but intelligent at his tender age. He was four years and ten months old, fully invigorated and my the r

t they did taught and this proves me right of my

nger tips, sketching some drawings made from the wolverine's fist on the lad's skin left him burning in maternal made hell prepared to accommodate prejudice administered to anyone that had chosen to go t

ad never failed to administer a percent of my strength in thrashing my toddler who had gone off the rails.

could attest to such a feeling which you derive when you have planted a seed, and watered and let God bring the inc

t i could feel the softness from the fleshy part of my palm, it was dabbed with tears, my tears. I managed to wipe it off completely, after several attempts i had made

h up as soon as possible so that i could retire the rest of the family to the mystic journey of the night. The night was a journey by train which i had thought that everyone had their own stations and stops to alight ; a lifeless journey through the mystery that let us be lifeless, an apparent diplomatic embark where some of us had

d be no sin. Was it that my planet was ignorant of this or was it that this was another changing world which t

a whole lot so much that i had for once doubt if my medulla could contain what my oblon

mony, but could it be that the teacher had done well and had taught the student extremely well and sound or should the learner be

here they existed. They came to our planet from time to time, I shou

many things fr

ty one i may not have much to offer co

o exposed to uncertainties and I would not want any wo


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