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My heart CEO

Chapter 5 I can do for you

Word Count: 1312    |    Released on: 24/09/2024

I remembered the look of contempt she gave me. "Are they a couple?" I asked, trying to hide my interest in the answer. Jenna laughed softly and shook her h

keep my composure. Jenna raised an eyebrow in surprise, but quickly nodded. "Sure, I'll get it for you." She turned to her desk, opening one of the drawers and pulling out the report. As she handed it to me, I tried to keep my expression calm, but there was a flicker of concern in my eyes. "Why did he ask me to do this instead of you?" I asked, trying to keep the apprehension out of my voice. Jenna gave me a reassuring smile. "You're just starting out, my friend. It's only natural that he'll focus on you for the first few days. He wants to see how you handle things." I took a deep breath, trying to absorb Jenna's words, but the knot in my stomach wouldn't go away. "I hope I don't make any mistakes..." I mumbled, looking down at the report in my hands as if it were a test. Jenna touched my arm affectionately, her eyes fixed on mine, full of confidence. "You'll do great, Chloe. Everything's already worked out. There's nothing to worry about." I nodded, trying to absorb Jenna's encouragement. I took another deep breath, feeling my anxiety ease a little. "Thanks, my friend." I smiled, despite the nervousness still present. "I'll take this to him." "Go out there and rock it!" - Jenna replied excitedly. I grabbed the report firmly and started walking towards Sebastian's office. Each step I took seemed to carry a greater weight, as if the simple task of delivering that document was proof of what was to come. My heart was still beating fast, but my friend's words echoed in my mind, giving me the strength to continue. When I finally reached the door, I knocked softly, my fist hesitating for a second before touching the wood. Sebastian answered, almost immediately, his voice deep and authoritative, allowing me to enter. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that were still pulsing through me, and pushed the door open. Upon entering the room, the first image I had was of Sebastian sitting at his desk, focused on the computer. His expression was serious, focused, as if the outside world did not exist. However, Stella's presence in the chair across from him broke this illusion of isolation. She was at ease, as if this environment were her second home. His fingers slid over his phone and his expression was one of pure boredom, as if my arrival was nothing m

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