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CEO Coldplay

Chapter 2 I introduce myself

Word Count: 1391    |    Released on: 24/09/2024

drink and sit down, unable to control myself, my eyes start searching for him everywhere. Oh Jesus! I'm starting to get paranoid. After scanning the room again and not finding wh

When we are already settled in, he starts driving towards the hotel, looking at me a few times as if he doesn't know what to say. - Tell me about yourself – he finally says something. - There's not much to say, I'm 29 years old, I'm a doctor and I'm here on vacation. - What's your specialty? And do you have a boyfriend? - he asks a little awkwardly. - I'm a neurologist, and no, I don't have a boyfriend – I answer, looking at him. - That's good to know. - Tell me about yourself too – I encourage him. - I'm 34 years old, I work at my father's company, and I'm here to audit one of our companies here. - And you, do you have a girlfriend? - I ask curiously. He remains silent for a while, and that makes me a little nervous. Of course he must have a girlfriend, he's so handsome, it's impossible not to! - No, I don't – he gives me a quick look and then turns his attention back to the street. I let out a sigh of relief. This could be the beginning of something, couldn't it? OceanofPDF.com The drive is made up of an insane mix of cordiality and tension. We are attracted to each other, it is palpable, but we keep the subject light by talking about our lives, what we like, our jobs and hobbies. Eduardo is an easy person to talk to, besides being handsome, he is very kind, and every minute that passes I become more enchanted. "We're here!" he announces, parking the car. "Thanks for the ride," I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt. "Believe me, it was my pleasure." We stare at each other for a while, neither of us dares to move, we just stare at each other, and it feels so right. The intensity of his gaze leaves me disconcerted, it's as if he wants to touch me, but can't. As if he is fighting this attraction that was so instantaneous between us. Before I can say anything, he seems to lose the fight against himself. He comes closer and presses his mouth to mine. The kiss starts slowly, but soon becomes more urgent, his tongue searches for mine madly, things start to heat up in a way I've never felt before, the excitement drives me crazy and the same happens with him, who pulls me to sit on his lap, I feel how excited he is and that somehow excites me more. I start

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