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CEO Coldplay

Chapter 3 So let's explore it

Word Count: 1339    |    Released on: 24/09/2024

ads me out of the elevator. I follow him to the door of what I assume is his room, while he opens the door and lets me go in first. I look at his suite, it's just like mine, even the bed line

quickly wash my face and when I look in the mirror I get a little scared. My neck has a slight purple tone where his mouth sucked, my face has a different glow, what can't a good night do to us, right? When I get back to the room Eduardo is already awake, he's talking on the phone to someone and as soon as he sees me he gets tense, I don't really understand, so I sit up in bed knowing it's wrong, but paying attention to his conversation. - I'm not sure how long yet, but around a month at least - he says to the person on the phone. - I know it's a long time, but when I get back we can schedule that dinner you want so much. - He looks at me clearly worried. - I have to hang up now, I'm kind of busy, kisses, dear. - He ends the call, still looking at me. Dear? Dinner? Does he have a daughter? I know he's not a girlfriend, he said he doesn't have one, but yesterday he never said he had a daughter. So who was he talking to? - Sorry, it was my mother, I had to answer it - he says a little uncomfortable - Imagine, it was your mother, you had to answer it - I smile, feeling like an idiot. He gets up and comes to me, giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. - Good morning! - Good morning - I say with sudden shyness. Without me expecting it, he sticks his hand in my hair, pulling me towards him, his mouth attacks mine again, only this time in a more malicious way, driving me crazy. - Now my day started well - he gives me a naughty smile. - Shall we take a shower? So we can go out to eat and enjoy the day at the beach or pool - he says, taking me to the bathroom - Both of us? - I ask a little apprehensively - Yes, both of us - he seems a little confused. I stay quiet and just nod my head, following him to the bathroom. He takes me by surprise by getting me up and sitting on the sink. - Do you think yesterday meant nothing? That it was just a vacation fling? - He asks as he holds my chin, preventing me from looking away. - Honestly, I don't know, I'm not used to these things, it was a fling, wasn

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