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Mistletoe Mischief

Chapter 5 A Christmas Card

Word Count: 911    |    Released on: Today at 06:49


and unyielding. I watched her from a distance, her bright red sweater a stark contrast against the muted colors of the mill. She moved with an energy that wa

ead, I observed her as she talked to one of the workers on the floor. Her hands flew about excitedly, gesturing wildly as she explained something. The worker, a gruff male named Tom, was smiling, his eyes crinkling at the corner

se, the walls lined with maps and charts, the desk piled high with papers. It was a reflection of my life-ordered, controlled, devoid

ack to Lumi. Her smile, her laughter, her warmth-it was all so foreign, so different from the life my brother and I had built here. But I found myself d

oft, his eyes warm. He was known as the more approachable of the two of us, the one who wore his heart on his slee

the office. "I was just talking to Lu

drumming on the desk. "She's certain

understatement. She's like a breath of fresh air. She's al

evident. "They love her because s

, Roman. She's genuine. She cares about people, and they can feel t

er. You're too open, too trusting. She's an elf, for cr

ng a hand on my shoulder. "I know you're just trying to p

ty and warmth that mine lacked. I envied him for that. Sometimes. I nod

corners. "It may be too late for that, b

rlwind of doubt and fear. I didn't want to see Ryker get hurt, but I also didn't want to see him t

of the mill and the confusion of my thoughts. I stepped outside, the cold air taking my breath away for a moment. It was a welcome sensatio

rostpeak was a picturesque town, a place of warmth and cheer, but it was also a place of hard work and hard living. It was a

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