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Mistletoe Mischief

Chapter 4 Family Ties

Word Count: 923    |    Released on: Today at 06:50


at the corners. "Alright, Lumi,

a job, a place in this new town, and a chance to get to know these intr

pers and a chair that looked like it had seen better days. A window overlooked the mill floor, the machinery humming an

art with organizing the invoices and taking the messages off the phone.

rn, and the ink faded. "And once you get that done, these are the orders that need to be pro

system that needed to be put in place, the organization that was lacking. I was ready to

sat down at the desk, the chair squealing under my insubstantial weight. I to

ficiency that surprised even me. I filed the invoices, creating a system that was both logical and easy to navigate. I an

heartbeat that echoed the lifeblood of Frostpeak. I could feel the history of the place, the generations of workers who had come before me, the

to be running more smoothly, their usual hum sounding almost melodic. The workers seemed more at

Tom I had met during our lunch break, approached me. "

g to be casual.

know, just... lighter, maybe? Like th

inside. "Maybe it's just the spi

mill. He turned to me, his brow furrowed slightly

rent bad?" I asked, tryi

The machines seem to be running better, and the atmosphere feels... happier." He shook

aution. "I understand but maybe it's just a goo

looked around. "Whatever it is, it's not disrupting the work

r that. You have a wonderful busines

s a small town. Many of our families have bee

rom every pore whether I willed it or not, but I also knew I had to be careful. I didn't want t

till allowing it to bring a touch of Christmas cheer to the timber mil

alked back to the Inn, the snow crunching under my boots, the lights of the town t

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