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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays; Or, Rescuing the Runaways


Word Count: 1489    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ledge before. The healthy desire of a vigorous appetite for food was one thing; but this child's whimpering need a

and sank to her knees to place her cheek ag

starving!" cho

isplayed by these two schoolgirls. She looke

ot ver' well be help'," she murmured.

e chair car. Nan did not notice her chum's departure at the moment. The baby had seized her f

best French, "is it not terri

woman, patiently. "We cannot dev

sly, and in her own tongue, for she was too muc

s final, I am sure! There is a good God, as yo

ox containing the remains of their lunch. "Here!" she c

e woman, "have a care. You will h

the impetuous. "We are

t we,

re recently than madam and the l

ght. The mother gave him one of the stale crullers, and he beg

adam," commanded Nan. "And

ispered the impulsive Bess. "G

e fellow. In fact, in the seat but one behind the French woman and her baby, a girl of six or sev

ne when Nan had nudged her and pointed. "Grac

the child's hands. The latter began devouring it eagerly. Be

We've got to give them all some

so there was no danger of over-feeding any of the small children who shared in the generos

imed grimly. "Now you'v

?" asked Bess,

lunch. What did I tell you? I

't have eaten it, knowing that t

eed!" ag

the conductor said, "you would have k

ut about 'em before we ate ou

to know, Miss?"

ain heavily on o

estions," giggled Bess. "Th

gone now, and yo

ess, suddenly. "Oh, Nan!" and she c

now?" aske

! He won't have even

his?" demanded

Nan. "Are yo

, Miss. Bu

ly. "And he's so cold and hungry and lo


into our car where it is wa

r, yet with twinkling eyes that belied his gruf

him, sir, do!" beg

to the Pullm

ke the best care of

s!" declared the

ed Nan. "For instance, can't they be relaxed

ss. But the captain of the ship must maintain discipli

the platform, too, even if we are stuck in a snowdrift?" Bess said a l

to open laughter at th

little fellow?" she fumed. "He may g

the line of food to give aw

cannibals arrive at this desert island we'l

the train with which to feed

he end of the division. It's not like a freight train crew. We'd be a whole lot better off right now," added the conductor, reflectiv

. "Do you s'pose we're

it much after about eight day

"I don't much care for


glanced at Nan more kee



mewhere upon the shore o


s," blurted out Bess, remembering what the bagg

mained fixed on Nan. "You didn't go to school last

rom Chicago," repli

e in two at the Junc


t the Junction?" asked

off the train and killed a big rattlesnake that was just

r, drawing out his notebook and pencil. "Th

don't want to hear anythin

ear anything unpleasant about the snake," h

said. "But I sha'n't be

, then, about the

iskly, and she gave Mr. Carter

own carefully in his not

ckages to help us out, sir?" she asked. "Canne

starting forward again. "At any rate,

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