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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays; Or, Rescuing the Runaways


Word Count: 1641    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

es. She had no fear of an accident when they started, although the rus

at the path leading down to Professor Krenner's cabin. At this intersection of the slide


ramping along the half-beaten path just as Nan and her chums dashed down the hill on the bobsled. This big man, whose broad face showed no sign of cheerfulness, but exac

The stubborn, fat man, at last awakened to his d

lide; the bobsled plunged into another soft bank on the other side, and

ere no

cried Laura Polk, the red-haired girl, com

rl, who was known as "Procrastination" Boggs. "W

Bess Harley, with her to the surface. Grace Mason and Lillie Nevins were crying a lit

fat man had utterly disappeared. Surely the bobsled, having struck

ops, and Laura Polk suggested that maybe

!" exclaimed Amelia Boggs. "If his was

stible force meets an immova

nished Bess. "But I see the

eat polar bear in his winter coat, emerged from the opposite drift. The fat man, witho

" cried Laura. "Ha

erwood, it is?" he snarled. "You're the girl that was steer

intentionally!" cr

contradicted the choler

asped Amelia, "isn't

d think I'd had trouble enough with people of that name.

replied the

ing to beat the snow from his clothes. "I heard h

bobsleds number two and three. Linda Riggs, who led one of the crews, heard the angry fat man speaking s

y, had it not been for the last phrase the man used in reference to her father. Nan

tly. "But if you really know my father, you know th

jaculated the ma

er interfered, and h

nough, Bulson.

w," grumbled

n his lawyer," whispered Lau

?" queried the professor,

Only Nan's feelings. That man ought to be asha

lking about!" cried the

n. "Come along to my cabin and I'll fix you up. Mrs. Gleason has arrived at the top of

d out of the drift. Linda Riggs went on

s father," the ill-natured girl murmured to Cora Courtney, her

t know,"

Sherwood. She is a common little thing. And I don't believe

da!" gas

oods being rich, at all. I know they were as poor as church mice in Tillbury unt

ess Ha

out Nan. I believe she is afraid of Nan. But th

agreed Cora, who was a weak girl

Her father worked in one of the mills that shut down last New Year. He was out of work a long time and then came this fortu

llars," said Cora, speaking the sum unctuousl

so much. You know that there were other heirs who turned up when Nan's father and mother got over to Scotland, an

Nan to her mother, which she had found and shown to Linda. Cora was not proud of that act. Nan had never been anyt

at Pine Camp, Or, The Old Lumberman's Secret," will realize just how much truth and how mu

o stay with her Uncle Henry and Aunt Kate Sherwood at a lumber camp. Her adventures there during the spring and summer were quite exciting. But the most exciting thing that had happened to Na

s, were narrated the incidents of Nan's first term at boarding school. She and Bess made many friends and ha

, Nan had an especially vindictive enemy. Nan had noticed Linda's eager

f Papa Sherwood," Nan said to Bess Harley, as they toiled

care about Linda?

father," Nan said. "And the minute I get home

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