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Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays; Or, Rescuing the Runaways


Word Count: 1237    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e before he sees us," wh

s, in the same tone. "I wan

or the poor little children on the train. And, goodness,

f condensed milk out of that box for himself, I'll make him gi

the milk even for his own consumption. The expressman said gruffly: "I

ckage to myself. Here's

I can withdraw it fro

rned the expressman. "You'v

r-bearing that it amused the chums f

now who I am?" cried

our name i

other. "Ravell Buls

k in that box, Mr. Buls

the co

bought a case of milk in glass, and shipped it home. I saw it being put aboard the express car of the other

d suavely. "I expect you want to get this milk to divide among yo

Bulson, his eyes fairly b

canned milk for the benefit of al

indignantly. "Why, that's my milk! I'm not going to gi

inly shown a less thick-skinned mortal just what the conductor's opinion

a can or two for myself. Of course they'll come and plow us ou

?" suddenly demanded Bess, whose anger at the fat man had been gra

ss, if I may inquire?

"I wouldn't take a drop of that milk from you,

ed Bulson. "That's the litt

Bulson," Bess declared.

kind of actions are these?" and he swung on the members of the train crew once more. "My dog is given

d received a signal from

r levied on all my goods in transit and claimed the right to seize your case of milk for the benefit of the passengers. You'll have to

r. Bulson, aghas

e expressman, handing Mr. Ca

the box. The fat man would have torn his hair o

anded, fairly dancing about the car. "Do yo

. "Get out an injunction right away. Don't fret; yo

ked the fat man, hoarse wi

oping to help pull off the cover of the box. "You ought to be t

go away. We'll get the milk for the puppy a

n old Bulson into the snow. He de

said again, as the men

let me have any fun," decla

fun?" demanded Nan, as they

ing puppy, were about to step out upon the platform between the

s that?" g

of of the tunnel began to fall. Then came a louder sh

us-me!" cried Na

visitor!" sq

ide boots landed first, so the man remained upright. He carried a can in each hand,

ed over his ears, sparkling, little, light-blue eyes of ph

asped the newcomer. "What

not speak, and the puppy was barking as

r, and where did

for I live right east of the railroad-cut, here. I was jest goin' across to Peleg Morton's haouse with this

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