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Squinty the Comical Pig / His Many Adventures

Squinty the Comical Pig / His Many Adventures



Word Count: 2299    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

est little curly tail, as though it wanted to tie itself into a bow, but was not quite sure whether that was th

s nose up and down, or sideways, as he did when he smelled the nice sour milk the farmer was bringing for

xactly, or I would tell you, the lid of one of Squinty's eyes was heavier than the other. That eye opened only half way, and when Squinty looked up at you from the pen, w

quinty in his pen, could not help laughing when he peered up

the boys and girls would

m Squinty," the farmer sai

ave given Squinty another name, as she did his brothers an

and another Puff-Ball. There were seven pigs in all, and Squinty was the last one, so you see he ca

nimals have a language of their own which no one else can und

of one of his eyes sort of flopped down. But just then

owned the pigs, and when they looked in, and saw big Mr

one eye partly open! And how funny

" the farmer had said. And so, just as

ig, as she heard what the farmer s

name for him. And, after all, you know, he does squint. Not that it amounts

wered Mrs. Pig.

s and girls, giving the little p

f!" grunte

nd father, and brothers and sisters, could understand man talk, and boy and girl ta

r instance. When you call to him: "Come here!" doesn't he come? Of course he does. And when you say:

w they stop when he says "Whoa!" So you need not think it strange that a littl

ters in the farmer's pen for some time. As the days went on Squinty grew fatter and f

er he had poured their dinner into the trough. "Hum! That little pig, with the squinty eye, is getting p

rd that, for he wanted to gr

d, and with it he scratched the back of Squinty. Pigs like to have their backs scratc

d the other wide open. "Ugh! Ugh!" And with his odd eyes, and one ear cocked forward, and the

" asked the farmer's wife,

ed the farmer. "He has suc

exclaimed the

ooked down

he comical!

he farm animals, the farmer's wife went out in

t does harm, and farmers like to pull it up to get rid of it. But, if pig weed is n

wife, tossing some of the juicy, gree

an to chew the green leaves. I suppose

weed the farmer's wife had tossed into the pen, up they ru

rough, so eager were they to get something to eat; eve

m to be always hungry. And Squinty's brothers

w that pigs do not like to live in mud and dirt any more than do cows and horses, so this farmer had for his pigs a nice pen, with a dr

matter how clean pigs are, once in a while they like to

ow this, and they also know that if they roll in the mud, and get covered w

ircus elephant scatter dust over his back, to drive away the flies. And even such a thick

were always glad when the farmer came with the garden hose and washed them

a nice size. They had nothing to do but eat and

s brothers and sisters, how to run to the trough to eat, when his mother called him, and he learned how to stand up against one side o

ters never thought of. One day when Squinty and the others had eaten their dinner, Squin

didn't just know what to do. In fact the

as he looked out through a crack in the boards and sa

can't," sai

ttle pig--that is, he always wanted to find out about things, and why th

ater. He had found another crack between two boards of the pen--a large crack,

is made for digging, or rooting in the earth,

board until he had made it very l

d around; his mother and father and all the litt

said Squint

t was the first time he had ever been out in his life. At first he was a little frightened,

meal I shall have

uicy, green pig weed, but before he

hing toward him Don, the big black and white dog of the farmer. "Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" barked Don, and t

oward him, Don, the b

shall be bitten sure! That dog will bite

ck for the pen. But it was not easy to run in a potato field, and Squinty, not

" barked Don, runn

he did not, for Don was very kind-hearted. But Don knew that the pigs were supp

Get back where yo

melon vine, and down he went. Before he could get up Don was close to him, and,

Squinty, in his own queer, pig langu

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