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The Boy Inventors' Radio Telephone


Word Count: 1432    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

c and operated from the pressure tank, with a suddenness t

or he had not yet seen the obstacle in th

I did we'd have bust someone els

at it?" exc

of mild surprise through a pair of astonishingly thick-lensed eyeglasses secured to his ears by a thick, black ribbon. He wore a broad-brimmed bla

haped, solid substances were inside of it. The spot where this odd encounter took place was some distance

ind letting us ge

raised a hand

ed a vein of what I believe to be Laurentian granite running across the road. I am trying to trace it and-wh

ping up the dust in the road with his hands as if he had been a dog scratching out a rabbit hol

t a big magnifying glass scanned the chip intently. He appeared to have forgotten al

ne of the finest I have ev

tone into his bag, which the boys no

emarked Tom, but a sudden exclamat

or," he said, "out c

m sharply. And then broke i

he young journalist who wrote an article about my specimens once

t rocks," finishe

ho appeared not to have heard the remark. "I must have at

d off to the side of the road and chipped off a

that some specks in the gray stone sparkled. "An extremely rare spe

d his latest acquisition into it While he was d

ey say he's a great authority on mineralogy and so on

quarry like that around

etting specimens,"

es agleam over his latest discover

said, patting the side of the bagful of

hat anyone could find pleasure in packing about a sackful of heavy rocks on a hot day. But the pro

ise, the professor declared that he had read

he cried, rattling his bag of specimens enthusiastically. "S

Jack cordially, and then the professor

r way we can give yo

nvitation. But what an odd-loo

lift his bicycle into the tonneau. He would have helped him with his weighty load of specimens, but the professor refused to be parted f

ife. As the car rolled swiftly along, he occupied his time by peeping into the bag at f

d forward and clutche

oung friend, ple

sked Jack, slowing dow

k there at

tone in a wall fencing in a pasture in which some cattle w

claimed. "I must have it. How did such a fine

cal hammer in one hand and his precious sack of specimens in the other. He rushed up t

nd goes right through the center of the w

egan demolishing the wall, pulling down th

rned Dick in alarm. "Those cattle will

en greater vigor than before. The cattle in the field eyed him curiously. Then they began to move toward h

straight at the considerable gap the man

k suddenly. "Run, profess

locomotive speed. But the professor was oblivious to everything else but

r them. On rushed the bull, bellowing, ch

boys at the top of

other, stood staring at the advancing bull through his thick glasses as i

's a goner!"

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