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The Boy Inventors' Radio Telephone

Chapter 4 WHERE IS HE

Word Count: 1946    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

led Dick, at the

" bawled th

r himself regarded

s professor of yours?" he a

gist," replie

er," was the rejoinder. "He seems t

uddenly, standing at pau

ded Dick, instantl

ething. It s

is again,"

impossible to locate,

for help,"

farmer. "Must be that perfusser of yours

muffled in some way. They looked about them, endeavoring to

aid. "There's an old well hereabouts so

it?" dem

said the man, pointing in the

. "Frantic frogs of France, if the professor's t

The hoards at the top, which had covered it over, had rotted, and there was a jagged

e you down the

almost frozen. I'm hanging above the water but I can't

away," u

ly. "I was looking for another rare

well was not very deep. "Fortunately, we've got a rope and t

e most careful motorists, who never know when such a piece of apparatus may come in useful for hauling a

the husky muscles of the farm hands, they soon drew him to the surface. But his weight was materially added

me men came up and drove the bull away. But t

es, I deemed it prudent to stay up in the tree, where they could not see me. They drove the bull off into another pasture. As soon as the coast was clear I

weren't drowned, with all that wei

ryday occurrence. "As a matter of fact, if I hadn't succeeded in grasping a projecting s

e red-faced man, "to go trapesing r

the professor with immense dignity, "and-great

mer, jumping backward as the scientis

ranolithic substance," exclaimed the professor, and he began energ

his men. "Gets nearly drowned in a well and then

sfaction, as he placed his latest acquisition in the satchel. "As fine a

s, "does he call getting chased by a bull and

it a rocky time

t by the sudden arrival of a gray-haired, short litt

exclaimed the r

music starts,"

eyes sparkling angrily, emitted a roar like that of his H

tore down my fence and scared my bull

was in the interests of science. You may not have been aware of it, but

Old Crabtree, "and you tore down my

ke the man in the poem a 'primrose by the river's brim,

abtree, dancing about in his rage. "You make

warding you a check for any damage

y now," said the

en he brightened suddenly. "I can leave my bag of specimens with you

er who received it with a look of amazement that the

demanded. "Nothing but a lot of old rocks. By

dd, swift movements. He shoved Old Crabtree back without ceremony and bending swiftly to

out the farmer, bewildered. "Wh

plained the professor triumphantly,

be paid fer ther d

nt?" asked Jack, co

llar'll be a

e reach your home, I'll be very glad to p

has ample security till I can send him a check. Why, t

ast remark, "I wouldn't give yer ten cents fer a cartload uv '

aid Jack, and the professor fina

ands, who clearly regarded the professor as some sort of an amiable lunatic. But that worthy man, supremely happy despite his wet clothes, was quite con

elm-shaded streets. The professor invited the boys to accompany him into the house. They w

a," said the professor.

ssa's hands went up in the air and her voice rose in

ah, where have you b

or my condition," said the p

carpets. You're wringing wet t

been down a well," explaine

ell, Jerushah? At

specimens, my dear,"

le house is full of old rocks now, Jerushah,

my dear," said the profess

rd footbath and some herb tea right away," and without another word, except

pidly converting him into an isolated island in the midst of Miss Melissa's immaculate hall carpet. Suddenly, with one of his impulsive movements, he darted off int

best of women, is Melissa, but peculi

came Miss Me

ring his bag of specimens he shook hands with the boys

ng," said Jack, with a smil

, as the estate of Jack's father, also a noted inventor, was calle

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