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The Boy Inventors' Radio Telephone


Word Count: 1241    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ble," exclaimed Tom, as he saw the wa

l you, Tom, and get that grapple clear? Co

o had been examining the place where the

ut," said Jack. "We haven't had it loose since t

ry voice hailed

w move a foot till w

said Jack. "It was an

as a new roof. Don't you move a step

said Jack apologetically. "Aft

d at first imagined. After tearing off some shingles the grappl

omin' tew? Las' week tew pesky dod-ratted balloonists hit Hi Holler on ther head with a bag of sand, and

rmer would accept a money payment for the damaged roof. But it a

ceeded in getting the grapnel loose from the beam into which its sharp

tgun at the balloo

bust a hole right plumb through t

ere's my name." He wrote his name and add

ion to the missive. He kept his gun

l bust yer!"

aced through the gate and then stru

f with relish. "Hi Ketchum is a rare one arter automobubblists. I reckon he'll be

d back into the Wondership, the bag of which was de

s intentions," said Jack, with a tro

wind and the big yellow b

ed on his trigger. He thought the b

ted, "you don't fool Ez

nsible. You've our names and addresses on that paper I threw down to you. I

some autermobubblists killed three uv my chickens, week afore thet I had a hog

way, he classed airships and all such modern inventions. Jack thought, too, that Ezra Perkins was the kind of man who liked to shine out among his neighb

acing grimly up and down like a sentry

on his head, the same as those ball

" said Jack. "It would

at that," agreed

to take a chance,"

bag," protested Tom. "We wouldn't be

y shoot or if he's only

k at him,"

he grim, overalled farmer. The very way in which he held his g

ly brought to a sharp crisis. Over the patch of woods beyond the farm

like a piece of thistledown blown by the wind. Instinctively, to check the downward mot

paralyzed at the suddenness of it all. His farm hands lounged about,

thout an


both barrels at once. But

terror. The boys looked over the side. As they did

had caught the farmer by the waistband of his overalls and he was being carried skywa

he top of her voice, rus

ack with my husb

, for, held securely by his stout overalls, he was carried hi

larm, from the side of the Wondership. "

scarecrow, while his farm hands gaped up at him and the hired girl

've done it!" gas

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