Kaden's vixen
The type of men that have come up to chat me up, however, have been total losers. Something is in the air tonight, and it's not
a makes it easy to not care when she is also dancing with me. Laughing, we effortlessly fall into our Despacito choreography, something we learned for fun when the song came out. Alcohol makes it easy to bend and roll my hips while Mila shouts "Go girl!" from behind me. I'm laughing at her exaggerated shouts when I turn my head and time stops. There is a Greek god of a man standing just off the dance floor, and something about the way he is staring at me makes my limbs freeze for moment. I shake it off and keep dancing, but now that I know about him, my head keeps turning to check on him. He is looking at me every single time. I'm totally flustered and helpless to s
e is quite tall and has incredible eyes. Whatever else that was, was just an effect of the booze. You've sobered up somewhat, so just go
of a weirdo I am, I step outside the bathroom with renewed confidence and walk back towards the bar. A h
exclaims "Whoa, pretty girl! I mean no harm
that isn't c
d a bit on the wild side, dreadlocs on one side of his head, with the other side close cropped and shaped well. He has silver and go
t notice you and my man K staring at
orry. I didn't know you
st friend but it's been so long since I've seen him this intere
ove a little closer and ask
you here inst
chable, but he is actually very shy. I just wanted
been hit on by proxy before. Then, I think about light colored
. I'll introduce
o came for a conference. Just before we enter the main club area, he turns towards me and says
do not understand, but he just s