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Bert Wilson, Wireless Operator

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2361    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

m for

machinery had caused the ship to heave to, so that they were deprived of the artificial breeze caused by the vessel's motion. The oppressive heat rivaled anything the boys had ever felt, and for once even their effervescent spirits flagged. They lolled about

voice. "Just think of wallowing around in that cool ocean, and feeling as though you weren't about to me

a leg or two. Those two sharks that have been following the ship for the las

ks for quite a while. Here they follow our ship around for a week, hoping that somebody will fall overb

be doing the gentlemanly thing for Dick to volunteer. You won't di

bell, so that the sharks will be sure not to miss me, and I'll jump in

while, and fatten you up. I'm afraid you haven't got fat enough on you at presen

Just dispose of me any way you think best. Nat

"I'd be willing to bet any money that you're thinking more of yourself th

feel that way, and I don't, why don't you serve yourself u

satisfactory answer to this profoun

any nearer to a good swim. I wish this were o

as that?" i

t wasn't a very big one, but it was plenty large enough to give a person a

a tank steamer, wasn't it?" said Bert,

with a smile on his face, but had not spoken, said, "Why don't you ask the captain to rig up the

claimed Dick, "what

the ship, and anybody that wants to can swim to their heart's

ng, fellows, and we'll see if we can't persuade the captain to f

ushed off in search of Captain Manning. He was soon found, and l

ished. "It will be at least two hours before our repairs are finished.

eared on deck attired for a dip. Needless to say, Bert, Dick, and Ralph were among the first to put in an appearance, and great was their impatience while the crew were putting the finishing touches to the "cage." Whil

e," said Dick. "However, I think I shall ma

d the swimming nets, "they hung on so persistently, just as though they felt su

other. "I guess they're gone

d in spite of themselves, for swimming in close proximity to a couple of hungry shark

it felt good to the overheated passengers. Bert and Ralph were expert swimmers, and dove and swam in a manner to bring applause from the passengers up above. Dick was not such a very good swimme

s ascended to the deck to rest a little

t good, and no mi

ance and dive off here outside the net. There's no sign of those pesky sharks around now. I'm going to take a chance, anyhow," and before anybody had a chance to stop him he had made a pretty dive over the s

d soon had placed a considerable distance between himself and the

than to do a thing like that? Those sharks are likely to show up any minute.

his rash act. He had swum several hundred yards from the vessel, and had

ked. For there, not more than five hundred feet from the swimmer, a black fin was cutting the water like a knife-blade. It was not headed dire

little doubt in the minds of all that these were the tw

fashion, and evidently had no inkling of the deadly peril that threatened him. Ber

Tom, "he might get frightened and be unable to swim at all. I think we had bette

g for orders from the captain, several of the crew started to launch a boat, but it became evident that this could be of no avail.

d seemed paralyzed at what he saw. Bert yelled wildly. "Swim for your life, Ralph," he shrieked. "Her

he water, but the two black fins overhauled him with lightning-like rapidity. Closer and closer they came, and still the swimmer was a good f

ng at express train speed. A dozen willing hands grasped the rope, and just as the two man-eaters were within ten feet of him the exhausted swimmer was swung bodily out of the water. There was a swish alongside, t

ome time before he recovered from the strain. When he was once more himsel

deserved to have us work ourselves to death a hot day like this trying to keep you from doi

ng to dope out some way of getting even with those man-eaters. I'll be hanged if I'm going to let even a shark think he can try to make

this, and now he touc

led in once we caught a shark that had been annoyin' us like these has, just like you'd catch a fish. We baited a big hook, and pulled

f entreaty. At first he seemed inclined to say no, but when he found that the majority

their preparations with a will, while an interested group that surroun

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