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Bert Wilson, Wireless Operator

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 3059    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

and Pa

the first glimpse of that wonderful land they had all heard so much about. Hawaii! What a vision of hill and plain, of mountain and valley, of dang

owed their way through the crowd to the railing of the ship. "Oh, yes, there it is," he cried a mome

w far away it is, though, as long as it's in sight. For the last few days it has seemed to me that we would never reach it," and he gazed

yourselves in the old car; can't you feel the throb of the motor and the whistling of the wind in your ears as she takes a steep h

e believe we won't make things hum in little old Hawaii

mile on his friendly face. "I don't wonder you feel good at the prospect of setting foot on solid ground again. For, no matter how enjoyable and prosperous the voyage may b

tries in the world, and I've always wanted to see it," said Bert. "

s way out in the Pacific, the garden spot of the world. Over those islands the wind never blows too roughly or too coldly, the sun never shines too brightly and there is no snow to blight and kill the vegetation that warm rain and summer sun have called forth. Over there the grass

e struck by

ponse to the look of astonishment and wonder on the boys' f

end here, to have the time of your lives. The only thing I ask of you is that you don't run the 'Gray Ghost' over the side of a precipice or seek to inquire too closely into the mysteries of the firepit, Halemaum

tor until they disappeared down the companion

is, Ralph, we ought to have some fun. Imagine driving the machine along a prec

ers that I've got the name down pat. You see Halemaumau means 'House of Everlasting Fire,' and it's the name of t

best grandfatherly air. "If you continue on the road

rate, after all. Just look at that line of beach with the cliffs behind it, forming a dark background for the white of the buildings. And w

e the boats of the n

exclaimed. "Where do

s throw their perfectly good money into the water just for the fun of se

irmed. "Just give me a diving costume and I

cause you won't get it. I'd be more likely to throw a dynamit

hat you would be just as likely as I to get blown up. I g

getting blown up?" Bert asked, coming up b

ive him, for he's not responsible for what he says. To change the subject, w

er than taking down messages and sending them out, it's good to have a few days to explo

a deftness born of long experience, before it reached the bottom. In spite of the boys' declared intentions not to waste their "hard-earned and carefully-hoarded cash," a few pieces of that very same cash went to increase the spoils of one especially active and dextrous young native. No matter how hard they tried to be prudent or how emphatically they declared that "this would surely be the last bit of money that that little rascal would get out of

emptation. Tom voiced the general sentiment when he said, "Gee, if we hadn't touched land

ok a look around them. And there was enough to occupy their attention for an hour just in the country in the immediate neighborhood of the harbor. All aroun

ce," Dick said, "but it seems that I was mistaken. T

ce at this scenery, my friends. Did you ever see

g-I suppose it must be a hotel-towering over them. And isn't that a picture, that avenue with the double

didn't know what a public benefactor he was when he nominated you for the telegraphy job. Say, isn't

won't seem good to be in a car again. I'm anxious

be good to be able to eat our breakfast on shore for a little while instead of on the briny deep,"

at everything was intact, while a crowd of curious little urchins watched his every action. In a moment our three fellows had joined him and were

f possession in his voice. "I shouldn't wonder if she could show the natives something of the art of raci

ith piling our luggage into the car and going right over to the hotel?

t place to put up at would be the Seaside House," said Ralph. "He thinks that

re," said Bert, "but

leave to hand me whatever you think I deserve in the way of punishment. Come on, jump in, and

in their ears to the tune of the throbbing motor. Many nights they had dreamed of it and many days they had talked of it, but to really be there, to feel the migh

nd they drew up before a building that looked like an overgrown cottage with a sign in front, announcing to all whom it might concern that

y wanted accommodations for a very few days. In less time than it takes to tell the machine was

small domain, "but he won't be able to get here until late this evening. I promised to take the car

to be with us for he knows a lot about the country and he'll go

room next to the boys. Just before they went to sleep that night Bert called into Ralph, "Say, R

les through the most beautiful country they had ever seen until, at last, they came to the foot of the great crater. Only a very few minutes more and they stood within a few yards of the edge of that wonder of wonders, the fire-pit of Ki

st whispering in his excitement, "a few months ago that I would be standing here at the edge of the largest living crater in t

ed. "If all the scenery is like this we ought to spend four years here instead of a me

d like to we can take a ride across the island to-morrow. It will be about a day's jour

luctance and many backward glances they finally tore themselves away from Halemaumau and turned the "Gray Ghost" toward home.

little golden patches on the road before them, with the caress of the

t place on earth, Doctor," Bert said after a few minute

ed, "The more you see of it

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