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Bert Wilson, Wireless Operator

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1835    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


ost anything that has the smell or taste of food about it. Therefore, the sailors were

ook. Finally, however, one of the sailors unearthed a large iron hook, such as is used on cranes and other hoisting m

o was known to his companions as "Sam," and apparently had no other name. "If that hook once

us from the bronzed and hardy crew, and matter

ane used to store the cargo in the hold was brought into use

eed had everybody on deck, "I begin to see the finish of one of those beasts, anyway. I can see

ed, and they troop to the scene of festivities by the dozen. Then they build fires, cut up the shark, and make a bluff at cooking the meat before they start to eat it. But you can hardly call it eating. They fairly go

think if I ate a whole day without stopping it would end my worldly

ne, "I suppose they think if they did di

" suppleme

h. "That's their idea of paradise, I guess. They're

sn't it?" asked Dick. "You're never ver

o be very happy when he's eaten a square meal that we're going

ion, and so the baited hook was carried to the side and slowly eased into the water. An empty cask had previously been tied to it, however, to act as a float, and all eyes were fastened

and waited expectantly for the disturbance around the

pple disturbing it. Many were the disappointed grumblings heard amon

s though he was paid to do it, do ye? Have a little patience about ye, why don't ye? Bein' disappointed in takin' a nip out

nd a cheer arose from the spectators. The steel cable whipped up out of the water, and s

in an excited voice. "Just look at that cable, will yo

ing gave the signal to the engineer to start winding in the cable, but hardly had the drum of the crane started to revolve, when the shark made a great circular

shape of the struggling, lashing monster as he was drawn up to the ship's side. He made short dashes this way and that in a desperate effort to break away, but all to no purpose. When he was right under the ship's side, but still in the water, the captain ordered the en

pons firmly, and as one pu

e side. He dealt the ship great blows with his tail, any one of which would have been sufficient to kill a man. His smooth, wet body gleamed in the sun's rays, and his wicked ja

to avoid this, and dodged quickly in and out, dealing the monster heavy blows whenever the opportunity offered. Slowly his struggles grew less strong, and at last he lay quite still,

er around and inspect the dead monster. A tape-measure was produced, and

ng but an appetizer to this fellow, if he ha

ark was the same one that chased me. Why, it seems to me that that fel

id Dick. "Just think what it must be to a shark if he starts t

. "Just think of having to have a set of false teeth made. A person w

Ralph, but then he added, "I wonder what they're going

n't think he's of much use to us, seeing that we'r

ese were distributed among the passengers as souvenirs. Then the great carcass was hoisted up until it dangled ove

h doubt that that was one of the pair that came so near to ending your promising career.

we everyone a vote of thanks, I guess. I hope I never come quite s

f the bloody struggle were removed. Shortly afterward the chief engineer reported that the break in th

lse was spoken of, and Ralph was congra

ith a smile that "he was satisfied if the ship broke down often, provi

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