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Great Hike; or, The Pride of the Khaki Troop

Great Hike; or, The Pride of the Khaki Troop



Word Count: 2135    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

es of a big fall pippin apple tree, back of the old Philander Smith hous

low voice told of his Southern birth; "that long ladder might

utside of this limb, Chatz. And believe me, I'm getting my basket full of

ugh he would never admit the fact; and was forever declaring he had a new met

g their chum pick the ripe apples on this late August day consisted of three fellows, all members of the Hic

y could see him; for, when not going to school, winter and summer he clung to

ng some one to take his measure, and compare it with past records; but thus far he had not made much progress toward reaching the ordinary heig

the least bit excited; though no one ever knew him to acknowledge the fact, and indeed, if accus

in great demand to practice on his fellow scouts. Outside of a few rather wild theories, and a boy-like desire to have a litt

ols, of eight boys each, were complete, and there were candidates to start a fourth, if they could meet the requireme

rly Matt had only been known as a great bully, and those who trained with him

khaki troop in their open-air tests. Something in the business seemed to appeal s

nciples Matt held at that time could ever be accepted as a scout. He studied the m

e in a while the old spirit cropped out; and it was told how, when one of his cronies, thinking to take advantage of this new mantle of meekness, boldly challenged Matt to

o atone for his breaking of the rules of the organization by being unusually patien

tarted to climb the ladder only for the boyish sympathy which he received from Elmer Chenowi

f those communities. When they awakened to the truth that it was no myth, but apparently an accomp

had never lacked for backing from the pare

y helped Landy pick the fruit, a task that had been set for him by his f

recently been played between the rival troops, in which Hickory

a particularly fine specimen of fruit he had struck, and which tempted him beyond his

s no one tho fatht as Lil Artha. Now, I admit in the thtart that he can cover the ground at a pretty rapid rate; bu

red Chatz. "Might I ask who you think would have the best chance in a

hat ain't enough, what'th the matter with Ty Collinth himthelf? Theemth t

y in question was leader of the patrol to which Jasper belonge

pull in a victor," Ty went on. "That fellow is just chock-full of grit. W

him walk half a dozen fellowth until they admitted they weren't in the

onger, till I trim my weight down a few more pounds, and I'll show you something worth while. Huh, if there was a long-distance h

asper, who never could hope to enter any of these competitions until N

us tackle he had contrived so that he need not climb down with a bulky load; though twice he had managed to upset the whole

catcher was doing? He's a screamer, that's what! But of course I ain't sure how Jack would hold out on a twenty-four-hour

"Elmer is out of the running because he got a thorn in his foot a day or two ago, and is limping to beat the band. His best chum, Mark Cu

important question thett

ho is the best all-round walker in the troop," remarked Jasper; "and

Jasper!" cried Chatz, thro

ion, Jasper. You've got something in your noodle

that seemed just beyond the reach of his rather short arm. "Tell us what you've been thinking a

experience seemed delightful, and he was not in too great a hurry to satisfy the demand for information; since onc

aps you noticed that I mentioned a twenty-four-hour consecutive tramp as the basis of the test. Each fellow could be bound by a solemn promise not to accept a

t?" cried Landy, again exerting himself to the utmost

ho could take the responsibility of fixing up these meets from the over-burdened shoulde

a, fellows?" asked the small

the thing,"

nth, and have the affair arran

s slipping! Quick, grab hold of something,

in the swaying crotch and slid from under him. There was a rattle of apples thudding down on the ground twenty feet below; but Landy had, on the spur of the mom

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