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Great Hike; or, The Pride of the Khaki Troop


Word Count: 2260    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

rs; for the crowd had been particularly requested not

at the head!" called

o cover five steps to three by Lil Artha. It ain't the length of a

a is just playing with

it, he'll make a ring around t

Artha may be due to a little surprise before many hours go past;

there was a shout from the rapidly breaking-up crowd, for this li

strong when last seen, and Lil Artha even turned to wave a jaunty farew

a battle were impending. Indeed, all sorts of road maps had been consulted in laying out the course over which the six contestants were expected to pass. And a copy of th

ng began

t, though the scouts, as a rule, could not be reckoned in that class, being early riser

forth at certain hours when Elmer gave the word, and pick up the several contestants along the way, perhaps t

. They expected to establish the chosen stations and leave the regist

our Elmer, as the last inspector, expected to start. He chose to be last because a fellow who owned

come from the store where the telephone station happened to

her. And, strange to say, it was Lil Artha whose time seemed to be just at the tail end of th

shoe and bruised his

n; remember he did that two years ago when he made

When he gets good and ready he'll pass the bunch, and leave 'em so far behind they'll forget their names. Oh, I know Lil Artha! Why, h

thing, in greater numbers than before; for every fellow in town seemed

t from the store, where several were station

rteen minutes between the arrival of the leader and the last contestant. That leader was Lil Artha; and sad to rel

tall Lil Artha playing tricks. "He's starting now; and by night time

e shouting!" declared another, who had been for Red

t natures of boys crop o

ings might happen to Lil Artha. You never can tell about them long-legged fellows. They're apt to double up like a hinge with

limbered his heavy artillery. Why, I bet you he's going al

he blew in there with his seven-league boots, and has started back!"

taking a look at the motorcycle that had been placed at his disposal, to make sure the tank had a full gallon

in a condition far from useful; but then Nat Scott, whose father was at the head of the schools in Hickory Ridge, a

e his start as the hour struck. He knew that he would have time

began to shout as soon as they drew near; and he

accident could have overtaken one of the contestants;

they came along, both machines popping merrily; though it might be noticed that they we

Elmer to hasten off now. He wanted

ad entered for the race. The scout master had appointed them, at their earnest request, as a committee to go over

e happened to know that there had arisen a new bully in Fairfield, who was doing all in his power to assume the reins laid down by Matt Tubbs at the time he saw a great light and gave over his evil ways when

he saw Nat and Toby speeding toward the chu

he wall of the church. Of course there was a rush on the part of everyone within sight and hearing

rightened; for he had a brother in the contest, and

dly hurt! Perhaps they've come for

kin' that way, Jim? However coul

rders? Must be news from that place. Perhaps Matt Tubbs has gone ba

orget it. Here, quit your pushin', and gi

t to do when meeting a superior officer; since respect to authority is one of the c

ked, turning first to Toby, who belonged to the Wolf Patro

ugh he might have been having trouble with his machine on the road, and had found i

to watch the start of the Fairfield scouts, and be able

at was not the whole extent of

, mingling with the boys of the town all you could, and learning if any underh

orted to headquarters. Wanted to phone it, but they're repairing the wire between here and Fairfield, and we had to try

arked Elmer. "And now, tell us what you lea

h right to be heard as his mate. "They're getting up a scheme to upset all our plans. We didn't h

of the running?" asked Elmer, showing signs

't belong to the scouts, I'm glad to say, started out in a car, with the intention of finding whether it seemed likely a Hickory Ridge scout was far in the

hen?" asked Elmer, knowing

nst his will!" shouted Nat, trium

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