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Monica's Choice


Word Count: 3144    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

former was thinking how best she could aid the poor old cripple she had just left, while her little daughter was

unny name for a girl, d

nd beef-tea played a prominent part, Mrs. Drury smiled down at

they tease me about my proper name sometimes, and say I might as well have been called Sapphire or Topaz, or one

London, where you were born, there was so much sin and sorrow all round us everywhere, caused by strong drink, that we resolved to call you Amethyst, so that you might always be a reminder to us of our promise not to have anything to do with it. And there was another reason, girlie," Mrs. Dr

asked wonderingly; she had never

me are wanted who can write books and articles; others who can speak in favour of it. But it is early days for us to plan your future,

to be a speaker," sai

You know father says you are a regular chatterbox. Now, let us go into Wils

and were crossing the road, when Amethyst esp

and then she added, persuasively, "Oh! mumsie, do

is scarcely time for them to go home and get permission, now. But they might com

bright greeting, as she shook hands wit

rury." It was Elsa who spoke; Olive always deputed her s

and tell her I hope to come and see her very soon? Meanwhile, Amethyst and I

ted to come," said Olive, a ring of pleasure in her tone

st," ventured Elsa, "although I fee

er shoulders disdainfully. "Come early in the afternoon, if you may, so that you and Amethyst can have s

now. That algebra we did this morning is stupid stuff, isn't it, Thistle? All silly little

iked it," s

I," admi

women," said Mrs. Drury, with a smile. "I ho

live's nonchalant reply, as Ame

Saturday," said Elsa, as the twin

pishly. She had an uncomfortable sense of having lowered herself somehow in Mrs. Drury's es

she might have said; namely, that she had seen Mrs. Drury's look of astonishment when Olive calmly accepted the invitation without any

itioned-off room, with its rows of clothes-hooks and pigeon-holes for boots, to themselves, for a moment. But as they were rather late, Elsa, whose division was nearest

in their own particular place by the time the bell ceased clanging: much to Elsa's and Amethyst's delight, as they had no wish to be

onica Beauchamp is----" just as Miss Buckingham, the head-mistress, who conducted pra

turned her head away from Olive, so t

heir classrooms, which all opened off the spacious hall, with the exception of the First and Sixth Forms, whos

ticular classrooms, and they had inaugurated a fund among themselves for decorative purposes

ps, on rollers, adorned the walls which were painted a pale green; on the dark oak mantelpiece, which matched the door and wainscoting, stood some "Liberty" vases, which the "Decoration Committee" undertook to keep supplied with flowers. Miss Churchill (the Fourth Form governess) had a large desk on a raised platform, from which she could command a good view of all her pupils at once; behind her hung the baize-covered notice board, and at her right hand stood the black-board on its easel. T

tto, framed, and hung over the mantelpiece, where it could not fail to be seen; that of t

he girls, for the time being, in each class had chosen their own, by vote,

work at once. We did really nothing yesterday, what with giving out stationery, and drawing up

-eighth birthday. Her soft brown hair, guiltless of fringe or wave, was simply arranged, and her broad forehead was suggestive of talent, while her lips spoke of a resolute will. But beneath the commonplace exterior, there

. The period in Scripture that had been chosen for that term's study was the book of Exodus, and the girl

thoughts wandered, first to one thing, and then to another, until she had quite lost the thread of the lesson, and gave up trying to follow it. So she looked about her, to see what the others were thinking, and found Monica Beauchamp's eyes were

ake advances towards this girl who seemed to have plenty of fun in her, and was n

e heard a decided titter, and turning in the direction from which the sound came, she saw that one of the girls,

ng at, Hetty?" she s

ill," muttered the gi

er to the culprit's desk. A hasty movement between two of the girls did not escape her, and quick as thoug

d a similar occasion when Miss Churchill had confiscated a little scribbled note which was being passed along, and the punishment that had been inflicted for such an underhand trick. But that was as n

e girls simultaneously, but she sto

ntrolled voice; but her eyes flashed, and i

wo of them looked at all guilty, and those were the Franklyns. Miss Churchill, looking round at all the faces before her, noticed the frightened look of one, and the off

ell her to speak louder, when Olive stood up, and said, in a bold, defiant tone: "Elsa kno

ion and bring it to me, to-morrow, without a fault, or else I shall show this drawing to Miss Buckingham," was all the t

nd. Some of them looked askance at her, and she felt she had made a bad beginning in the new form. Bu

ar-looking girl, whose slangy expression jarred upon her superior


"but I could have done it a gre

nroe, a dark-eyed girl, with short, curly black hair

ook no notice, for all her interest was centr

she came near; "but it's hard lines that you should h

goes against the grain rather to beg her pardon, but, of course, I sh

as Monica's admiring reply. "I

ty. "I haven't got a real chum, and I

ca; "to tell the truth I always thought them rather dull

nsued, which was abruptly terminated by the

feel most uncomfortable, and she seized an early opportunity of going up to Miss Churchill and expressing the contrition that, at the moment, she really felt, for Olive Franklyn was a good-hear

chill, who had somewhat recovered from the indignation which Olive's treatment of her had ro

n't think you will do such a thing again. You have evidently some talent

at she would be an exemplary scholar from that day forward. But alas! Olive

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