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Monica's Choice


Word Count: 2990    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

iend, a girl of about her own age, who apparently had tastes somewhat similar to her own, to whom she could talk withou

nsisted should accompany Miss Monica both to and from school, and who had had a sorry time so far. For Monica was so indignant at the idea of requiring a nurse-maid (as one or

as wont to call her, confided to the other maids over their dinner that school was wor

e added, "for I can't abear it, and it takes a sight

rubbidge in her bedroom," sniffed Mary Ann, the under-housemaid,

then," replied the maid, with c

ng answer, "old maids isn't

ok good-temperedly; "don't be rude to Miss B

y had been out the previous afternoon and evening, and so had not had an opportunity of questioning Monica ab

avishly appointed luncheon table; even Mrs. Beauchamp, austere and undemonstrative as she was, felt for the moment a thrill of sa

work, Monica," she said stiffly, as she t

uge mouthfuls of rhubarb tart, which she was discussing with her healthy school-girl's appetite. "I

uch expressions; you quite shock me. I do hope they will not allow

body says chum nowadays," was Monica's concil

re. It is doubtful if it was a wise step to

aresay I shall turn out all right in the end." And she added, men

made friends with?" continued the

ters," began Monica, but Mrs

ow much of Dr. Franklyn, I think he is a very respectable medical man. But was there no g

"I shouldn't have cared much if he had been a chimney sweep. I've taken a great

make enquiries about these Franklyns before I

iously like "What rubbish!" but the look on her grandmother's st

daughters at the High School," remarked Mrs. Beauch

ly, "and I'm sure she's a little prig. She's great friends with Olive's

it, and she dreaded what might be in store, in the way of added unruliness. But she refra

de, and having somewhat ingratiated herself with her grandmother, by repeating a few words of prais

nes? It seems so silly for a great girl like me to be obliged to have a maid

said Mrs. Beauchamp, as she rose from the tabl

, grandmother? I'm su

ere, there, and everywhere by themselves, though it may be all very well for girls of the middl

sionally "spoke his mind to Miss Monica," was scarcely any improvement on walking with Barnes. Bu

-past-three to accompany me to The Knoll. Put on your cream serge frock, and make yo

preferable to remaining at home alone. So she prepared to do as she was told, and behaved in so exemplary a mann

y dressed; indeed, she had everything for which she expressed a wish. But for some unaccountable reason he would not go in for "hoss-flesh," as he called it, preferring to hire a landau from the livery stables when Mrs. Howell wished to drive; so that Lily's pet ambition, which was to drive herself, was not realised. A bicycle she might, and did, have, but she had tired of that, because it

e greedy girls made a sort of queen of her, and flattered her tremendously on account of the chocolate, and other good things, which she showered upon them. She was so lazy and indolent that she would have

ca until recreation time came round, and then she found a

hurried off to secure one of the two asphalted tennis courts, Monica and Olive being among the number. But when they arrived on the scene, it was only to find that the Fifth

you girls to take both court

scendingly, as she returned a serve gaily, but so carelessly, that the ba

ere all filled by then, so there was no amusement left but to saunter about the large playground arm-in-arm, as several of

the tennis players behind them, and strolled round the quieter

have picnics in Disbrowe woods, and sometim

thers but Pat," said Monica, in su

Dick is seventeen. He's with an uncle of ours who is an auctioneer. They'll both be home

e always goes to Sandyshore for a whole month, because it's quiet and restful, she says. It's a hateful little pla

dfully poor that father can never afford a holiday at the seaside for us. At least, we haven't been for years, though

f grandmother would let you com

merry response, as the bell clanging

lyn, I want

r name, and saw Lily Howell beckoning to

" said Olive, as she slipped her arm out of her compa

he doesn't want me. I


he entrance the girls generally used; several of

ve. There was no one in sight now, except a girl called Magg

o ask you to go back to the tennis court

ind the place absolutely deserted, and no trace of Olive anywhere! Feeling sure there was some mischief afloat, Monica retraced her steps hurriedly, determined to find out the originator of the trick. But alas! when she reached the

the Fourth Form windows were accessible to the playground. She hurried across the small plot of g

that Monica Beauchamp must have got shut out. But Fr?ulein, who was a very fresh importation from Germany, either could not, or

Lily Howell and Maggie Masters, who were seated at a desk just under the open window, were engaged in a

p's wheel, now," whispered Lily,

Maggie, who had vivid remembrances of the delicious milk

e rapped loudly on the pane, to attract Fr?ulein's attention. That lady was, of course, astonished beyond anything to see one of the pupils still out in the

d up a very fair smattering of the language during her six months' reign. Therefore she made it sufficiently intelligible to Fr?ulein that she had been the victim of a practic

d into entering the school by the other door, under some pretext or other, Lily Howell having assured her that she had seen Monica go in the us

e at the conspirators, who were burning with curiosity to know just how much Fr?ulein had been told, and whether any exposure would follow. But as no further notice was taken of t

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