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Monica's Choice


Word Count: 2936    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

, once the new term's work was well begun,

it happened, that was perhaps the most trying punishment she could have devised for a girl of Lily's disposition, who ardently longed to be "t

being sent to Coventry by "that Monica Beauchamp, who gives her

d who never ceased to wish for the happy olden days when first she had married Bob Howell, and kept house on little less than a pou

tent with havin' such nice young ladies as the Miss Master

s dreadful the way you talk. And as for the Masters, they're only butchers, and I

do, and I don't wonder as this Miss Beauchamp don't take up with you. I wish to goodness your pa had never made a fortune, that I do; for it's a worry from mornin' to night, a-mindin' my manners h

afraid of giving way to her better nature, so merely saying: "Well, I'm sur

iness, realised that she and her husband had made a bitter mistake in educating Lily "as a lady," for it was only too evide

ng it. Some of the girls, whose homes were at a distance, but who either lived or boarded with friends in Osmington, so as to attend the

h was delightful in its own way. But eventually, with Mrs. Beauchamp's consent, it was decided that the fi

he acquaintance of the Franklyn twins, and had taken a great fancy to quiet, nicely behaved Elsa, stipulated t

aving met at a given spot at eleven o'clock made their way to a favouri

t was included in the Disbrowe estate, and the few acres of cherished copse seemed like "woods" in that suburban neighbourhood. It was in this copse that the Osmington

ght well-filled lunch baskets and books with which to while away t

roots, the quartette soon opened their baskets, and the contents disappeared with startling rapidity. As Monica said, "the river smelt quite sea-i-fied," and gave them an extra g

ding, or lying curled up half asleep on the grassy slope, gazing dreamily at the river, as it flowed smoothly and silently on, when they were all aroused by a short sh

e?" cried Monica; "

a, do! Perhaps he will do

only chasing a r

ro, who was still growling at intervals, sniffing suspiciously at a large bundle, done up in a red cotton handkerchief, which was lying on the path: and a few steps away, a poor old body,

was evident from her panting and half-sobb

the beast, the beast, the wicked beast!" while Monica caught hold of Hero by his

ide, and Olive and Monica, seeing no traged

like you," cried the little old woman, as she glanced angrily at t


ow she is shuddering still. I should have been afrai

d taken one of the knotted, wrinkled hands in her own, while she said gently: "We are very sorry, really we are. We would

up into the bright, young face, which evinced real sympathy for her; "not like them two yo

d to pick up her bundle; but Amethyst stoo

I'll get on a bit, if that there beast 'll let me." But even as she spo

sy; it ketches me all of a

sted Elsa, and Amethyst agreed readily, although

are you going

Hodges' wife she be as liv

hyst; "she comes to the mothers' meeting.

ese parts, and I must have mistook my way a-crossin' the copse. I tried to foller the 'rections they ga

yst, somewhat dubiously. She was not quite sure that her good nature

that, if we help you, do

ny Wood (as she was generally called), "I d

baskets and books till we come back, you girls." This she called out to Monica and Olive, who

ely to be a lengthy affair! If you're both determined to go, you'd better take your thi

the only owner of a wat

bout three o'clock, and

he old woman supported by Elsa's strong, young arm on one side and her

ver happens," shouted Monica, "so if you're

turned Amethyst, and the trio disap

e girls returned to their seat by the river, a

." And she took up the book she had flung down in her hurry, and hunted about for her place. "Babyish sort of sto

but mother is very particular about what we r

ter tea. I am reading one now that I wanted to bring out with me, but that little Amethyst's eyes are as sharp as needles

e, "but if it's a novel, mo

ca, and there was a suggestion of scorn in her tone, which touched

ot," she rep

shall have

ation dropped, and t

had really upset her, and she was very shaky and nervous still. By the time half a mile had been traversed, her feeble steps began to flag, and it

ey, and they were very glad when they had left the old woman safely ensconced in an armchair by Mrs. Hodges' fireside, w

ugh," she repeated again and again, as she held

lsa, earnestly; "we were very glad to

reverently, as they bade her "good-bye," rang in Elsa's ears like a benediction:

ughts were in quit

oad which skirted the copse, and which would bring them eventually to West L

sent moment with a start; "why, now I remember it, the grand

it was fast. But, anyhow, we shall have a business to reach the w

ached, and they were glad to find t

they perched themselves on the white gate, and fanned their flushe

he time was," said Elsa,

it;" and Amethyst heaved a little sigh of satisfaction. Then she jumped off the gate and ran into the road, as she hear

he time, Elsa?" she said,

her," replied

ed with a look of incredulous h

ur o'clock, Elsa!

nd beside her, and the two girls ga

ust have gone long before we came, and here we have been waiting ever

t cheer up, Thistle, we can get to Carson Rise in less than half an hour from here, and we

yst, as they hurried along the hot, dusty road tow

ry kind, really, although Monica thinks she is strict. She will understand w

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