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Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot

Motor Matt's Mystery; or, Foiling a Secret Plot



Word Count: 1816    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


otee mon, no makee pay. Whoo

ng, clat

tell! Py shiminy grickets, oof you hit me mit a flad-iron I

m as though Bedlam had been turned loose

of a small adobe house, heard the treme

ived in the house, and Matt was

mounted on a couple of chairs. Between the tree and a corner of the house, and running

r Hop Loo, was at the tub,

is hands out of the wash-water, Charley dried them on his kimono, jerked the wash-board out of

decidedly odd appearance. Hop Loo, who was ironing, had shrilly piped his denunciation of the fat boy; the latter had replied; and Hop Loo, failing to make a bull's-eye with the flat-iron, had sprung at the boy. The latter, with an as

u got anodder guess coming. You make me some drouples, by shinks, und I don'd like dot. Goot-py, Hob Loo! Sorry dot I

ugh the door. Matt, now that he had

ooked as though it was lost in the wilderness. His ample dimensions were covered with a suit whose pattern consisted of a ve

through the door, it was met by

oy. "Oof you don'd, py shiminy, somet'ing is

blow caused the board to leave his hands. The Dutchman dropped, the wash-board flew over his head and

is middle with both hands and doin

d. Jabbering in frantic "pidgin," he p

Sing, and rushed in the direction of the cottonwood. Charley followed him with such speed that his p

led, too, only his toes caught in a wringer that was lying on the g


a handspring in the hot suds and cam

illee Dutchee boy! Allee sa

of his eyes and throat. He looked like an animated drying-post, a

ind, grabbed up a stick of stove-wood, and was bea

ripped the line from the tree and the house-corner, and when he went on he

e, he got tangled in the rope, went down and rolled over and over,

. He had the stick of wood in his hand and much bitterness in his heart, but if he struck too hard he would make a bad matter worse by

, Hop Loo!"

Matt and trying to get at the bundle. "Dutchee boy spoilee hea

Matt deftly relieved the yell

gly; "let's get down to cases on th

tly beatee China boy! No makee pay fo' la

und he vouldn't lis'en. He made me more drouples as you can g

is head free of the clothes. A red undershirt was draped gracefully over his ri

he sight was to

with a wink, "aber der Chink ain't encho

you?" a

pel vat I tote,

e the Chin

got mad und pegun drowing t'ings. He vould haf drowed der kitchen stof ad m

he owe you, Hop

es," and he waved a discouraged hand at the garments on the ground and at the

my laundry?


pocket. "Take it, Hop, and call the account square. Now run in and

Chinaman's injured feelings, and he

vas a pooty goot felle

t Ki

f in As

waiting for a man I

my size, only not kevite so goot looging as me, und pigger oop an' down as I am der odder vay.

hook h

of him, Carl,

as Matt stripped away the last of the clothes-line, "und you pee

hand, and Matt gr

pay you pack dot mon

ay or the other," said Matt. "No great

ve vill go some place und

of laundry. Matt took one, and Carl the other, a

ng as the Dutch boy departed, and they immediately b

bound along the road, Carl Pretzel t

ur troubles, Carl," remarked Matt, who had de

feller to be jeerful ven it ain't. So dot's vy I laff mit meinseluf. I peen more jeerful now, schust pecause I vas blayin'

alking in the center of the road, and Matt suddenly

g Carl by the arm and giving h

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