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Polly's First Year at Boarding School


Word Count: 2164    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

lessons to speak of. The new girls had been piloted to the various classrooms, introduced

Thompson met in the Study Hall corridor, and locking

o with her pencil on the steam pipes, that ran along under the win

ois. "You're as bad as ever. Yes, it is good

irls," suggested Betty; "ho

in our corridor seem to be all right. I th

r already. The others are nice, too, but the

h than the rest; she sort of fits," she continued, wrinkling up her forehead

ere joined by Louise Preston and Florence Guile, both in Peter Thompsons, the accepted dress of the school, bu

ying to get up a paper chase for this afternoon, some of the new girls are 'w

an attitude of

dying," she sighed, regretfully, "but of cour

," laughed Florence, "and you, Lo, we can coun

en rather extravagantly fond of Louise the year be

a great show of indifference. "That

l," Louise assured her. "But we must hurry; will you two go up

. "I'll get it for you if you like and

d Florence, adding over her shoulder as t

plenty of it, we

from their race upstairs, Bett

e o'clock," Lois called out; "no excuses n

ing into Connie's room and discovering her curled up comfortably on the bed, while Angela,

ne half way to her

ergetic, I don't want to

r; instead, she was dragged ruth

duty to save you from growing hideously fat." And Betty, as though the subject

ssured her. "Anything would be b

ther rooms and found their occupant

as Betty joined her, still holding tightly

ned to her room after school, so Lois went

half way u

e Preston told me that there was to be a pap

on back to the corridor," she suggested; and

t homesick

iously, and half

she answere

hirty girls in sweaters and caps w

nd Betty, and helpfully, though a little less eagerly by Conn

ll new girls to the left," ordered Florence

Illington, timidly. She was one of the new girls for

nsult Louise, but it

"You are entirely on your 'own'; choo

sisted, almost tearfully looking f

and you'll be all right. The stone walls are the school bound

doubtfully, and

your l

other, Polly Pendleton was selected because she was already generally liked, and pa

r the bag of pap

be sure not to g

g over her shoulde

ow much star

g the question and adding, regretfully,

, calling the hares to attention, started of

themselves on the steps to wait

so easy. The hares never know where to go, and we find them a few feet from the pond,

jumping to her feet. "Con, I always said you'd no heart, and now I

easy to find this year," Lois mused, gazing along the thin white streak that m

ouise after consulting the g

pped to consult. Without doubt Lois' prophecy had been

demanded Betty. "We've been going 'round and 'r

ads from here to the apple orchard, over the bridge, around to the

sked Lois. "I knew Polly

eed, "but I didn't think s

g out over the rich black ground ga

ds looke

been chasing them around the circle-I say let's go back t

and in a minute they were again in marc

s far as it went-that was, however, n

ht of the gym, had found her way by various paths to the or

med to the girls who were running

y will never find us-we can stand under the bridge, t

y too eager to be le

e, leaving the tiny line of white that later dumbfounded the pursuing hounds. On t

keep well to the end so they won't see us as they come along; our onl

elves on slippery stones, very much excited, but ve

p of the approaching hounds and held their

one as the sound grew f

re n

Polly; "we mustn't move,

made the circle again. As they reached the bridge for the third ti

breathlessly and Florence Gu

ock, really, I think

ty made

seems dreadful to be b

eaten by that little Polly Pendleton. I don't

res under the bridge, that they

Betty, you can tell them we give up, we'll have

ushed her flying hair from her face, put both hands

Come in! W

y, sixteen grinning faces ap

nd then Polly asked in a quiet voice that con

ou call


the b

's the

e, l

chorus from the startl

id you

een here al

you're a

rls never w

the leader of the hares was the cente

one of the new girls; by this little act, she

difference they would probably have expressed it a

rself to be thoroug

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